From the archives:: Tom Hayden, the delegate, looks back at Tom Hayden, the demonstrator

Editor’s note: Activist and politician Tom Hayden has died in Santa Monica at the age of 76. Hayden was prosecuted in the raucous “Chicago 7” trial following violent clashes with police at the 1968 Democratic National Convention but later became a California state senator and attended the 1996 DNC as an official delegate. This profile … Read more

Hunter Biden sues former Trump aide over release of laptop materials online

Hunter Biden, seen last year at the White House, filed the lawsuit in California federal court. (Andrew Harnik / Associated Press) Hunter Biden sued a former Trump administration aide in California federal court Wednesday, alleging that he published emails, images, videos and recordings belonging to Biden online. The 13-page suit accuses Garrett Ziegler, his company … Read more

Why California’s proposed law on deadly police force isn’t as tough as it seems

In the aftermath of several controversial police shootings in California, activists and victims’ families have hoped their anguish would lead to action. They have protested, pleaded and lobbied for a law that would clear long-standing hurdles to criminal prosecution in some cases. But the focus of their hopes — a bill facing its first public … Read more

Revenge: A family affair

In the eyes of assorted peaceniks and mass-media oracles, George Bush’s desire to confront Saddam Hussein isn’t primarily about secret weapons, an Al Qaeda connection or the grinding imperatives of Middle East realpolitik. It’s about Daddy. A Boston Globe columnist recently pondered in print whether the president was “driven by primitive desires of revenge” related … Read more

Lester Maddox, 87; Georgia Governor Opposed Integration

Lester Maddox, the flamboyant and controversial restaurant owner who in the 1960s parlayed a staunch segregationist stance into the governorship of Georgia, died Wednesday in Atlanta. He was 87. Maddox had been battling a number of ailments, including cancer, complications from a stroke and heart attacks. He recently broke two ribs in a fall and … Read more

Legislation Inspired by Simpson Case Signed : Government: Bills curb sale of stories by jurors and witnesses. Wilson also enacts stiffer domestic violence laws.

Gov. Pete Wilson on Monday signed bills spawned by the O.J. Simpson double murder case that make it illegal for witnesses and jurors in criminal trials to sell their stories until the case is finished. At a ceremony staged to coincide with the start of jury selection in the Simpson case, Wilson also signed several … Read more

New season, same Trump: The president again blasts NFL players for protests during national anthem

President Trump was quick to respond to the first player protests of the new football season, tweeting Friday morning that “the NFL players are at it again” after a few teams’ members knelt or performed other symbolic acts during the national anthem before preseason games Thursday night. By his two tweets, the president signaled that … Read more

COLUMN ONE : The Mogul and the Democrats : Movie and music figure Ted Field, living a life of well-guarded privacy, has become a major force in national politics, a friend to the party and foe of the GOP’s Religious Right.

When Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton arrives in Beverly Hills tonight for one of his biggest fund-raisers, celebrity guests such as Barbra Streisand and Warren Beatty will turn heads instantly. Not so their host, a bearded, ponytailed man named Frederick W. (Ted) Field. Heir to one of America’s great family fortunes and an established movie … Read more

Clinton Scoffs at Mention of Spy Contact : Politics: He laughs at Rep. Dornan’s suggestion that candidate may have been visited by KGB in Moscow 20 years ago.

Gov. Bill Clinton on Monday night laughed off statements by Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) suggesting that Clinton, while on a student trip to Moscow 22 years ago, may have come in contact with intelligence officers of the former Soviet Union. Dornan had said on the House floor that Clinton, who visited Moscow for … Read more

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