Track the money for Prop 33: Contributions for and against California’s ballot measure on rent control

Track the money for Prop 33: Contributions for and against California’s ballot measure on rent control Propositon 33 would let cities and counties enact rent control by repealing the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act. Similar statewide rent control initiatives failed in 2020 and 2018. Supporters say repealing the ban on localities capping rent on vacant units, … Read more

Many 1989 U.S. Sanctions on China Eased or Ended

In its current, determined effort to persuade Congress to extend U.S. trade benefits for China, the Bush Administration has argued repeatedly that the United States maintains most of the sanctions that it imposed upon the Chinese regime two years ago. “We continue today to impose most of the sanctions we began in the wake of … Read more

Track the money for Prop 36: Contributions for and against increased sentences for drug and theft crimes

Track the money for Prop 36: Contributions for and against increased sentences for drug and theft crimes Proposition 36 would increase the charge for theft to a felony for someone with two prior convictions for theft. It would also let judges sentence some drug dealers to state prison rather than county jail and increase the … Read more

Campaign cash gives Nunez rich travel style

SACRAMENTO — As leader of the California Assembly, Speaker Fabian Nunez has traveled the world in luxury, paying with campaign funds for visits to some of the finest hotels and restaurants and for purchases at high-end retailers such as Louis Vuitton in Paris. It is not clear how these activities have related to legislative business, … Read more

Excerpts From Yeltsin’s Speech to Lawmakers

Here are excerpts from Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin’s address to Congress on Wednesday: On U.S.-Russian Ties For many years our two nations were the two poles, the two opposites. They wanted to make us implacable enemies. That affected the destinies of the world in a most tragic way. . . . That evil scenario … Read more

Measures Makes Her Mark in Ventura, but Stirs Up Foes

Rosa Lee Measures dreams of spending a week on a serene island, far away from ringing telephones, a bickering City Council and endless appointments. But with her schedule crowded with more and more commitments, that trip seems destined to remain a fantasy. Since she swept into office 16 months ago, the highest vote-getter in a … Read more

What you need to know about President Biden’s new budget

President Biden walks to Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on Thursday, when he presented his budget in Pennsylvania. (Andrew Harnik / Associated Press) President Biden unveiled a $6.8-trillion budget blueprint on Thursday. The plan includes new tax increases on wealthy Americans and corporations that are designed to offset new spending … Read more

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