N.H. Lawmaker Resigns After Advocating Killings of Police

A newly elected state lawmaker who called for the killing of police officers in certain cases resigned Wednesday under pressure from his party and the voters. Rep. Tom Alciere, a Republican from Nashua, informed the secretary of state and the House speaker of his resignation in a letter. Alciere, 41, had said earlier this week … Read more

From Let’s Go Brandon to Let’s Go Brenda. Trump merch sellers say they’ll be just fine after Biden exit

A man wears a “Let’s Go Brandon” hat in 2022. One vendor who sells merchandise with the anti-Biden slogan said he would switch to a new phrase: “Let’s Go Brenda.” (Bloomberg via Getty Images) Vincent Scuzzese runs a store in New Jersey named Let’s Go Brandon. Yes, that Let’s Go Brandon, the pro-Trump mantra gracing … Read more

How Sweet It Isn’t, Clinton Learns After Sugar-Beet Veto

Whoops! That’s how some Clinton administration political allies may have felt on Monday after President Clinton vetoed a special tax sweetener for sugar-beet farmers, only to see his action quickly sour. At first blush, the tax measure no doubt looked like a perfect candidate: Congressional calculations suggested the major beneficiary was likely to be Dallas … Read more

Trump, Comey and the Russia investigation: What we know so far

The disclosure of a memo written by James B. Comey saying that President Trump had asked him to shut down the FBI’s investigation of former national security advisor Michael Flynn followed months of intrigue. Trump has frequently belittled investigations underway into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. His comments, often on Twitter, have only … Read more

Hi, I’m Jill. Jill Biden. But please, call me Dr. Biden

Vice President Joe Biden often joked on the campaign trail about his wife’s lofty educational achievements. She had two master’s degrees and had already worked for nearly a quarter-century as a college community instructor. But he had a better idea. “Why don’t you go out and get a doctorate and make us some real money?” … Read more

POLITICIAN WATCH : Succession Story

Their political careers were not without controversy, but Southern California benefited from the contributions of both Rep. Edward R. Roybal (D-Los Angeles) and Rep. Mervyn M. Dymally (D-Compton) during their many years of public service. Both men announced this week they will retire from Congress, Roybal at 75 and Dymally at 66. Roybal was the … Read more

Trump’s tower a sore spot on the Strip

Speaking to Republican activists here, Donald Trump touted something other than his potential presidential bid and hit reality television show: Trump International Hotel and Tower, a gleaming luxury high-rise and his sole Las Vegas venture. “It’s one of the greatest signs of all time,” Trump said Thursday of the building’s marquee, rising 64 stories above … Read more

Essential Politics: American views on ‘culture’ issues are complicated. Just look at the death penalty.

Officers remove a chair from the death penalty chamber at San Quentin State Prison in 2019 after Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order placing a moratorium on executions. ( California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) This is the June 4, 2021, edition of the Essential Politics newsletter. Like what you’re reading? Sign up to get it … Read more

Nader Urges Kerry to Pick Edwards, Not That Democrats Were Asking

Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader was not content to simply pick his own running mate this week. On Wednesday, he weighed in on Sen. John F. Kerry’s deliberations, suggesting he tab Sen. John Edwards for the Democratic presidential ticket. In an open letter to Kerry, Nader said Edwards had “already gone through a primary campaign … Read more

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