Trump administration asks Supreme Court to reject 2nd Amendment claim by men who lost gun rights over nonviolent crimes

Trump administration lawyers are urging the Supreme Court to reject a 2nd Amendment claim that would restore the right to own a gun for two Pennsylvania men who were convicted more than 20 years ago of nonviolent crimes. The case of Sessions vs. Binderup puts the new administration in a potentially awkward spot, considering President … Read more

Egypt opposition feels strains from within

They brought down an autocrat and now hunch over position papers, microphones, BlackBerrys and meals from McDonald’s. Revolution is messy but lasting power is won, young activists are learning, in meticulous battles of negotiations, egos and intrigue. The new breed of professionals who helped topple President Hosni Mubarak is watching its rebellion turn into a … Read more

Hertzberg Gets a Lift From Gov.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger appeared with Bob Hertzberg on Friday to endorse the Los Angeles mayoral candidate’s plan for education reform, giving Hertzberg a televised boost as he struggles to keep pace with two better-funded rivals in the campaign’s final stretch. In a hastily arranged event at Schwarzenegger’s Santa Monica office, the governor — who already … Read more

From the Archives | Past presidential visits to California

As President Trump arrives this week to inspect eight prototypes for a border wall – his first presidential visit to California – he joins the list of presidents who visited the Golden State. We dipped into the archives to bring you a handful of visits from sitting presidents. FDR in Southern California President Franklin D. … Read more

An in-home care program for California’s elderly and disabled is constantly at the heart of budget battles. Here’s why

California Gov. Jerry Brown unveils his budget proposal in January. Once again, the state’s program for in-home care of the elderly and disabled is at the heart of negotiations. (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press) California’s program to provide in-home care for its low-income elderly and disabled residents finds itself once again at the heart of … Read more

Pardons or No, Scandal Remains : Bush’s action will not have the intended effect

President George Bush’s reputation will suffer from his decision, announced Christmas Eve, to pardon former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and five other figures suspected or convicted of breaking the law in the Iran-Contra scandal. Bush justified his decision positively and negatively. Positively, he praised the men he pardoned as patriots and public servants who, … Read more

Biden takes aim at Trump, ‘MAGA Republicans’ in prime-time speech

President Biden delivered an urgent call to the country Thursday night, asserting in a prime-time speech that American democracy remains in great peril and bluntly singling out the person he sees as the biggest threat to the system: former President Trump. Speaking from Independence Hall, where the United States’ experiment in self-government began 246 years … Read more

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