How ‘Pepe the Frog’ went from harmless to hate symbol

Feels bad, man. Denizens of the darker corners of the Internet turned an innocent frog comic into a hate symbol of the “deplorable” alt-right.  “Pepe the Frog” first appeared in 2005 in the comic “Boy’s Life” by artist and illustrator Matt Furie. The comics depict Pepe and his anthropomorphized animal friends behaving like stereotypical post-college bros: playing … Read more

Campaign donor’s cash arrived with baggage

On a sun-dappled October afternoon, Ray Jinnah stood beside his Bel-Air swimming pool to address 60 guests gathered for his latest fundraiser, a 2004 affair for New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn was there, along with then-City Council President Alex Padilla. Both had received backing from Jinnah, a Pakistani … Read more

Campaigner for Reproductive Choices : Profile: Susan Estrich headed the Dukakis presidential campaign. Now the USC professor’s interest in reproductive health issues has evolved into pro-choice activism.

Susan Estrich never considered abortion to be her issue. Yes, she was pro-choice. And yes, she has worked on abortion cases ever since she was a law clerk. But she was so much more, well, mainstream in her interests, which usually involved national politics. All that has changed. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in the … Read more

Pass This Information-Access Bill

Last year, a bill sponsored by state Sen. Byron Sher (D-Stanford) to put some teeth into the 1968 California Public Records Act and make it easier for citizens to gain access to state records sailed through the Legislature without a peep of opposition. Passing the Senate 35-0 and the Assembly 78-0, it went to the … Read more

Bush Policy Ignites Both Sides of Abortion Issue

As the abortion issue takes center stage in the new Bush administration, family planning clinics across the nation are spotting a curious dual trend–more assertive anti-abortion protesters and more willing abortion-rights volunteers. In official Washington, the climate on abortion has unquestionably chilled. Since taking office, President Bush has voiced opposition to research using aborted fetuses, … Read more

Former astronaut Mark Kelly, husband of Gabby Giffords, to run for John McCain’s Senate seat in Arizona

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords listens as her husband, Mark Kelly, speaks on Capitol Hill on Oct. 2, 2017. (Susan Walsh / Associated Press) Retired astronaut Mark Kelly, who rocketed to the national spotlight when his wife, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was shot in a failed assassination attempt, announced Tuesday he’s running to finish John McCain’s last … Read more

Ueberroth and Rebuild L.A.

Following the so-called Watts riot in 1965 a major problem appeared–”redlining.” To overcome the crippling effect of major financial institutions’ refusing to make funds available for rebuilding within the riot “control” zone, it was vitally important for the federal government to authorize direct loans to owners of real property that had been damaged or destroyed. … Read more

Patricia Schroeder

When Rep. Patricia Schroeder (D-Colo.) came to the House of Representatives in 1972 and was assigned to serve on the House Armed Services Committee, her welcome was about as warm as her home district, Denver, in a howling snowstorm. Then-chairman F. Edward Hebert, an avowed segregationist and an old-bull Dixiecrat, made Schroeder share a seat … Read more

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