Crop report: Seeding “virtually complete” across Saskatchewan

“Although the rain is supporting crop growth in some regions of the province, it is causing crop stress and disease in others.” Saskatchewan wheat farmer Chris Sapieha seeds his 2,000 acres of land. He is a fourth generation farmer, working on the same land as his mother, grandfather and great grandfather near Aberdeen, Sask. Photo … Read more

Opinion: Future freedom in U.S. is anything but assured

Historian and Substack sensation Heather Cox Richardson is optimistic about her country’s chances; Andrew Cohen sees a more ominous trend. What U.S. historian Heather Cox Richardson says matters to some 1.5 million subscribers who receive her newsletter every day on Substack.Photo by Roy Rochlin /Getty Images VINALHAVEN, Maine — Heather Cox Richardson is speaking to … Read more

Russia obliterates Ukraine’s front-line towns faster with hacked bombs and expanded air base network

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Russia is launching more than 3,000 of the bombs every month, with 3,200 used in May alone. This image taken from a video released by the Ukrainian Tsunami Assault Regiment, Liut Brigade, shows the northeastern frontline town of Vovchansk, Ukraine, during heavy bombardment by Russian forces on May 28, 2024.Photo … Read more

Climate change made killer heat wave in Mexico, Southwest U.S. even warmer and 35 times more likely

Warming from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas to blame, a collection of scientists that run rapid and non-peer reviewed climate attribution studies calculated Thursday. Margarita Salazar, 82, wipes the sweat off with a tissue inside her home amid high heat in Veracruz, Mexico, on June 16, 2024. Human-caused climate change intensified and … Read more

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