Teacher and paramedic testify at murder trial of student accused of killing teen in Leduc high school

A memorial for Jennifer Louise Winkler outside of Millet town hall. Winkler was fatally stabbed at Christ the King Catholic High School on March 15, 2021.Photo by Dylan Short /Postmedia, file This story contains details some readers may find disturbing. Dylan Pountney’s social studies teacher described her classroom’s descent from small chatter to terror and … Read more

DNC could nominate Biden virtually this month — as critics try to slam brakes

MILWAUKEE — President Biden could secure the Democratic nomination for a potential second term as early as this month thanks to electronic voting by delegates, The Post has learned — a move seen by critics as trying to shove him through the process. Electronic delegate voting had been discussed before the embattled 81-year-old president’s disastrous … Read more

Trump’s foreign-policy platform reflects his first-term achievements

President Biden’s foreign-policy failures have set the world on fire — and the conflagration is now the backdrop as Republicans present their very different vision. Biden has invited multiple conflicts by his projection of American weakness, his open border welcoming drugs and terrorists, an energy policy that attacks American-made resources but promotes our enemies’ products … Read more

Hey, Jack Smith — you’re fired!, welcome to a ‘new political era’ and other commentary

Federal judge Aileen Cannon dismissed Jack Smith’s classified-documents case against Trump. REUTERS Legal take: Hey, Jack Smith — You’re Fired! Monday, “special counsel Jack Smith heard the line Donald Trump made famous in ‘The Apprentice’: You’re fired!” quips The Wall Street Journal’s William McGurn. The line was from federal judge Aileen Cannon, as she dismissed … Read more

Disturbed tenant who terrorized NYC apartment for months set building ablaze, tried to trap neighbors inside: sources, residents

A disturbed Brooklyn man who has terrorized a Bushwick apartment building for months was behind an early-morning blaze that injured at least nine tenants Tuesday, sources and neighbors said. The suspected arsonist even tried to block the front door of the building to keep tenants from getting to safety as flames engulfed the four-story walkup … Read more

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