Best star snaps of the week: Cat ladies unite!

Cat mamas Chrissy Teigen and Katie Holmes show off their feline friend. NY Post photo composite 1 of 17 MEOW, MEOW MIX: Proud cat mama Katie Holmes shows off her kitty Eleanor. Katie Holmes / Instagram 2 of 17 BARE TENDER: The latest addition to Chrissy Teigen’s family, a hairless cat, is a snuggle bug … Read more

Varcoe: As Calgary rent increases cool, sale of $1M homes heats up

Calgary rent increases are finally slowing down, while the sale of $1 million-plus homes is taking offJim Wells/Postmedia Two divergent trends are now playing out in Calgary’s housing market, as blistering rent increases are finally slowing down, while the sale of $1 million-plus homes is taking off. The latest report by finds price increases … Read more

Police shut off circuit breaker swiping scheme in Riverside County

A man shines a flashlight at residential circuit breaker panel. Breakers have become a target for thieves, police say. (Getty Images / iStockphoto) Circuit breakers appear to have joined the list of potential targets for thieves across the state who prey on metals and infrastructure. Riverside County sheriff’s deputies started investigating an increase in circuit … Read more

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