The Issue: Anti-Israel demonstrators protesting inside Trump Tower in Midtown this week.
Why is it that liberal Democrats turn into petulant little babies when they don’t get their way (“Detainee protest ‘a bust’ at Trump Tower,” March 14)?
They turn to protesting, even though some likely have no idea what they’re even protesting about. And they’re often the ones who resort to violence, as we’ve seen with the recent attacks on Tesla dealerships. Now President Trump’s Manhattan skyscraper is under attack.
When was the last time you saw Republicans staging protests — let alone ones that turn violent? Democrats always invoke the Jan. 6 insurrection because it’s the only such episode they can hang their hats on.
Rob Cerone
Sen. Bernie Sanders and his gang of lefty Dems love throwing around their new favorite word: “oligarch.”
I’d ask them: Who paid for all the T-shirts and professionally manufactured signs at the Trump Tower protest? The production values seemed suspiciously high, I might add.
So wealthy Americans are “oligarchs” if they support the GOP, but if they back Democrats, they’re just “modest party donors”? Talk about splitting hairs.
Sean P. Kelly
The protesters made a big mistake holding their illegal gathering in a residential business facility. Trump may soon be many million dollars richer after all the civil suits are filed.
Robert Neglia
The Bronx
I disagree with the speculation that many (if not most) of the protesters were from other countries, perhaps here illegally. To me, most seemed American — which is even more concerning.
Germany didn’t recruit people from outside Germany during the 1930s, yet there was still a Holocaust. The involvement of domestic protesters today further highlights the significance of the demonstration.
Chuck Levner
The NYPD should have made a stronger show of force in order to get the protesters to leave.
These protesters were trespassing. Those arrested should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Ron Heimer
Yuma, Ariz.
The Issue: Teachers union boss Randi Weingarten criticizing possible cuts to the Department of Education.
Closing the Department of Education will finally expose Randi Weingarten as a grifter screwing over taxpayers (“Randi’s Ridiculous Hogwash,” Editorial, March 13).
But it might not be enough to stop waste. In my town, a significant amount of my property tax goes to schools. So while federal tax cuts are great, Democratic states will just jack up taxes to cover the shortfall. No matter how much we cut, they always seem to have a backup plan to keep the money flowing.
James Schwartz
Summit, NJ
Randi Weingarten has proven that retaining power in public education comes at the expense of educating kids.
If education was her top priority, Weingarten would embrace charter schools, punish truancy and raise academic standards. Yet those issues still plague our schools.
Eileen Corr
Brewster, Mass.
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