William Farrington
Now that Andrew Cuomo is running for mayor, local Republicans in Congress are demanding clarity on whether the then-gov’s deadly COVID-19 nursing-home order violated federal guidelines; Health Secretary Robert Kennedy should comply.
Rep. Mike Lawler & Co. want answers on behalf of the families whose elderly loved ones died as the result of a “reckless directive” that forced “ill-prepared nursing-home facilities” to accept COVID-positive patients kicked out of hospitals.
The virus ran wild in the care homes, taking 15,000 lives.
It falls on Kennedy (Cuomo’s former brother-in-law; small world, isn’t it?) to spell out whether the March 25, 2020, directive defied the federal policy that the ex-gov still insists he was following.
Last year, a House subcommittee report concluded that Cuomo’s order was “inconsistent” with and had “arguably contradicted” federal guidance by omitting key, common-sense precautions along the lines of “don’t put contagious people in with vulnerable populations.”
Cuomo’s never owned up to this critical error.
Heck, even when reporters asked him last week what he’d do differently as governor if he could go back in time, he offered only “added more police to the MTA.”
Now that his fellow Democrats can’t cover for him, let’s get the record set straight.
Hold Cuomo accountable for something.