Joe Biden’s Cuba cave is more proof today’s Dems just love brutal tyrannies

The Biden spree of destruction continues: Now Joe (or the flunkies actually running things) has removed Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terror. 

Yes, the island nation released 550 political prisoners after Biden paid this lagniappe. 

But Cuba is still a Communist dictatorship that rules through fear and brutality against its own population andprovides safe haven for terrorist killers from groups like Colombia’s ELN, as well as fugitive murderers from the US; its secret police are also central to Nicolás Maduro’s continued tyranny in Venezuela.

So Biden’s removal of Havana from the terror list prompted swift, deserved bipartisan condemnation. 

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called it “unacceptable on its merits,” since “the terrorism advanced by the Cuban regime has not ceased.”

Nikki Fried, chair of Florida’s Democratic Party, thundered, “We condemn in the strongest terms Cuba’s removal from this list, as well as any possible lifting of economic sanctions, and call on the Biden Administration to reverse course immediately.”

Amen to that. 

Biden won’t reverse course. 

He and his administration have been committed from Day 1 to aiding and abetting America’s enemies in the Middle East and around the world.

Witness the endless kowtowing to Iran, the self-abasement before China, the pussyfooting around Vladimir Putin and the ample aid and comfort he has provided to the narco cartels. 

Yet this move is so foul that the Biden team is only doing it on its way out the door.

Just as President Barack Obama nakedly betrayed Israel at the United Nations in his final days, allowing the Security Council to pass a viciously antisemitic resolution.

The imminent loss of power, in short, allows for a final showing of true colors. 

The Biden foreign policy, like Obama’s before it, would have been even worse if not restrained by what the public would accept.

More proof, though none was needed, that Jan. 20 can’t come soon enough for America or her friends around the world. 

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