Flight crew ‘astonished’ to see glowing objects ‘zig-zagging’ at 45K feet over the Bahamas

A Florida-bound flight crew witnessed strange orbs glowing and darting around in the night sky while flying over the Bahamas at high altitude, according to a report.

A flight attendant with Surjet, a private carrier, claimed that she and two pilots saw objects that left them awestruck and searching for answers as they returned to Fort Lauderdale in an empty plane.

“It started as white and then it just got green and almost like an electric some type of energy around it,” Cassandra Martin told NBC Miami of the object she saw during the Dec 23 flight.

A Florida-bound flight crew witnessed strange orbs glowing and darting around in the night sky while flying over the Bahamas at high altitude. NBC Miami

“All of a sudden I heard traffic control say, we have a foreign object, can you please identify,” she recounted to the station.

“I looked to the left, and a pilot saw three objects, I only saw one, and I grabbed my phone, I just pressed it to the window to see if I could get a video of what the object was,” Martin said.

She is not entirely certain exactly what they were looking at, but she was able to get photos and video of at least one of the glowing orbs.

The veteran airline worker described the objects as changing in color and exhibiting “daunting” flying capabilities.

The objects stayed with the plane for 45 minutes — flying way above the plane, which was cruising at roughly 44,000 feet, she told NBC Miami.

The veteran airline worker described the objects as changing in color and exhibiting “daunting” flying capabilities. NBC Miami

Flight Attendant Cassandra Martin was left awestruck by the orb. NBC Miami

That altitude and its erratic movements — which Martin characterized as “zig-zags” — rule out the possibility the object was a drone or weather balloon, respectively.

“I think we were astonished, and it was something that you really can’t explain but I don’t have the qualifications to know what that is,” she told the outlet.

Last week, The Post spoke to former NASA commander Dr. Leroy Chiao, who had a near-miss with two metallic orbs in a personal plane while flying over the Texas panhandle at 9,000 feet.

Chiao says the two orbs moved silently, quickly and had no visible means of propulsion.

That altitude and its erratic movements — which Martin characterized as “zig-zags” — rule out the possibility the object was a drone or weather balloon, respectively. NBC Miami

For the NASA astronaut who has been to space three times, the orbs recalled a 2023 Pentagon report that stated a spherical craft flew through controlled airspace in Iraq.

That object remains unidentified by federal government agencies.

Last year, a local news station incidentally aired footage of an orb appearing to zoom over New Jersey, the Hudson River and Lower Manhattan.

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