President Biden and/or his staff have careened out of control in his final days in office — witness the gang’s latest pro-terror stunt,the long-bruited release of some 11 of the remaining Gitmo detainees.
All are likely al Qaedas, including two alleged former Osama bin Laden bodyguards, one of whom has openly remained an extremist.
On the heels of the plea deal that seems set to let Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two accomplices escape the death penalty they deserve, this news comes as the deepest possible insult to the memory of terror victims here and around the world.
And as open comfort to our enemies.
The plan is to resettle all 11 in Oman.
The White House insists: “A thorough, interagency review by career professionals . . . unanimously determined all detainees as transfer eligible consistent with the national security interests of the United States.”
Was that review as “thorough” as the one that let in would-be terrorist Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi?
He’s an Afghan who came to the US post-Biden bugout via a special visa, also theoretically heavily screened, only to allegedly plot an ISIS-style terror attack for Election Day.
Who wants to take bets on how many of the 11 Biden’s now springing will go on to commit or abet further terror attacks either against US assets or locals?
The move is only the latest in a dirty laundry list of outrageous post-election Team Biden moves: student-debt cancellation, drilling bans, handouts to powerful unions and obscene pardons and commutations for vile fraudsters and monstrous killers.
The problem: Biden has nothing to lose. He’s done and so is his “brand”.
Worse, the staffers almost certainly driving this garbage train are keeping their own fingerprints off it.
America’s paying a high price for the failure to pull the 25th Amendment trigger on Biden: For all our low opinion of her, Kamala Harris would at least have weighed these decisions with an eye on some future run for office.
Instead, the nation’s suffering one last blowout of ideological extremism directly counter to what the voters chose in November.