After Shamsud-din Jabbar’s New Orleans attack turned a New Year’s celebration into violent tragedy, the Federal Bureau of Investigation continues to show why it has forfeited the trust of the American people.
Jabbar affixed an ISIS flag to the pickup he drove at high speed into a crowd of revelers, killing at least 14 people.
Yet the FBI at first refused to call the attack what it plainly was: terrorism.
That’s even though it arrested a shocking 10 ISIS would-bes in 2024 alone, thankfully before they were able to carry out any attacks — including a 17-year-old in Arizona.
“This is not a terrorist event,” emphasized Alethea Duncan, assistant special agent in charge at the NOLA office.
Now the FBI has admitted what was obvious to everyone, including the killer’s brother — who said Jabbar had been radicalized.
Plus, Duncan also initially claimed Jabbar didn’t act alone, only for the Bureau to walk that back as well.
Seems like a question the chief federal domestic law enforcement agency should be 100% clear on before saying word one.
The local G-men screwed up so badly that the DC office sent in one of its counterterrorism honchos, Christopher Raia, to clean up the mess.
Very unusual. Yet no one should be surprised.
The Bureau’s initial hesitance to tell the truth plainly stems from the Biden administration’s most insane idée fixe, i.e. that white supremacists are the most dangerous terror group in the country.
This is the agency that wasted its time going after school-board protestors and religious Catholics under Biden political hack Attorney General Merrick Garland as jihadi recruitment ramped up.
Follow the latest on the terror attack on New Orleans’ Bourbon Street:
- New Orleans terror attack live updates: Suspect pictured, ISIS flag found in vehicle
- Neighbor saw pickup truck used by New Orleans terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar leaving Airbnb hours before rampage
- NY Times reporter who interviewed New Orleans terrorist 10 years ago describes ‘calm, collected’ demeanor
- Killer driver Shamsud-Din Jabbar seen in first photo after he mowed down dozens of New Year’s revelers in New Orleans
Even as the visible evidence of the ISIS threat in the West has been piling up for years.
Remember the monstrous Bastille Day truck attack in Nice in 2016? It killed 86 and injured hundreds. ISIS claimed it.
Berlin saw a terrorist ram Christmas festivalgoers the following year, another obscenity ISIS claimed.
ISIS claimed the deadly London Bridge truck attack that same year.
New York saw its own truck attack in 2017, which killed eight on the far West Side, by another ISIS follower.
Call these people what they are.
Not lone wolves, or troubled youth, or sufferers from mental illness.
Jabbar was not on a terror watchlist, the FBI said in a congressional briefing.
If he was “on their radar” in some other way — and the agency’s miserable record under Biden suggests that’s far from impossible — heads should roll.
Actually, heads are already set to roll, as President-elect Donald Trump has a major Bureau shakeup high on his to-do list, to the loud chagrin of the DC-business-as-usual crowd.
The FBI’s bungling in New Orleans is fresh proof that Trump is right and the Swamp needs draining to restore public faith in this corrupted, hollowed-out and utterly politicized institution.