FBI seizes 150 homemade explosive devices from Virginia farm in record bust

A Virginia man arrested two weeks ago on an illegal gun charge was allegedly concealing the largest arsenal of “finished explosive devices” ever seized by the FBI, the bureau said in court documents.

Brad Spafford, 36, was found to have over 150 homemade explosive devices, an illegal short-barrel rifle, a target-practice photograph of President Biden, and bomb-building materials at his Norfolk farm, prosecutors claim, according to Court Watch.

The FBI claims to have seized 150 finished explosive weapons with the help of a police informant.
The FBI claims to have seized 150 finished explosive weapons with the help of a police informant. AP

Spafford was taken into custody outside his farm on Dec. 17 based on a criminal complaint alleging he was in possession of an unregistered short-barrel rifle, according to Court Watch.

Investigators, searching the 20-acre property, then allegedly found the majority of the 150 explosive devices in a detached garage, court documents filed by the Joint Terrorism Task Force state.

More pipe bombs were found in Spafford’s bedroom — those were stored in a backpack that had a patch in the shape of a hand grenade bearing the phrase “#NoLivesMatter,” prosecutors allege.

Prosecutors also alleged that Spafford was in possession of a jar of hexamethylene triperoxide diamine — or HMTD — a highly volatile compound used in high profile terrorist acts including the 2005 London public transport bombing.

Prosecutors alleged that the amount of materials found in the accused's home indicate a plan that would require help.
Prosecutors alleged that the amount of materials found in the accused’s home indicate a plan that would require help. JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shuttersto

A notebook containing recipes for explosives was also found on the property, according to the court documents.

Spafford used a photograph of Biden in his shooting range for target practice — and allegedly remarked to a police informant that he wanted to “bring back political assassination,” Court Watch reported.

That informant was a neighbor who secretly recorded conversations with Spafford, according to The New York Times.

Prosecutors alleged in a bond hearing that the amount of equipment found at the home indicates the accused was planning “something that Spafford would not be able to do alone,” according to the Smithfield Times.

Bond was set at $25,000 bond on the condition that Spafford remains under electronic monitoring and within the confines of his mother’s house.

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