Remember Rock the Vote, the get-out-the-vote effort with the trademark red check mark that had its heyday leading young America to the polls in 1992? And before that, “Schoolhouse Rock’s” rolled-up scroll that taught us in 1975 about lawmaking through song (“I’m just a bill . . . And I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill”)? Both have returned, part of the civic-minded men’s and women’s T-shirts from Society, a new subsidiary of L.A.-based Social Atelier. They’re rolling out at Kitson today for a monthlong exclusive distribution before wider availability.
In addition to the old-school RTV logo, shirts include “Rap the Vote” and “Schoolhouse Rocks the Vote” designs (the latter including the rolled-up cartoon bill in one corner) and eye-popping, rave-worthy colors of fuchsia and aqua with pops of yellow. Screen-printed inside the shirt are voting tips (including “register early” and “research candidates”).
For those who feel like backing a specific candidate on their front, Society has T-shirts bearing slogans such as “Giuliani Save the Day Again,” “Hillary You Go Girl” and “Obama Is My Home Boy” in large foil-screen-printed letters. (Social Atelier’s Yael Afriat and Andrei Najjar stress that these shirts are separate from the RTV shirts, which are strictly nonpartisan.)
All the shirts are expected to retail from $32 to $38, with a portion of sales benefiting social causes: Rock the Vote shirts will benefit the namesake organization, and the partisan pieces will benefit Fashion Delivers, a charity dedicated to helping the victims of natural disasters.
And what about the rest of the candidates — Republicans and Democrats? “We’ve got designs for most of the candidates,” Najjar said. “And we’ll be rolling them out as we go along.”
That includes a bright green T-shirt emblazoned with the words “Run Gore Run.”
Kitson, 115 S. Robertson Blvd., L.A. (310) 859-2652.
Adam Tschorn