The Issue: The government’s opaque response to mysterious drones appearing across the country.
There has been a ton of media coverage of the drones across the country, yet it doesn’t seem like we are getting any answers or insight into what is going on (“Trump has a drone to pick,” Dec. 17).
I’m just wondering what’s happening behind this media coverage.
With the current administration doing everything possible to disrupt the smooth transition of power to the incoming Trump administration, I’m worried they are going to try something extremely detrimental to our country and our incoming president.
Jean Cole
Juno Beach, Fla.
Apparently, there is no problem with drones the size of cars flying over the home of President-elect Donald Trump and military bases in New Jersey, but there would be an emergency response if a kid tried flying a kite on Pennsylvania Avenue.
President Biden’s response is to send Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas out there to reassure American citizens.
Well, it’s not working.
Jake McNicholas
Mayorkas says that aircraft are commonly mistaken for drones, and not to worry.
I am so relieved about his input regarding invaders in air space, especially considering his outstanding record regarding other invaders.
Sallyanne Ferrero
Naples, Fla.
Mayorkas is gaslighting us again.
Drones the size of small automobiles hover over our cities, yet he asserts nothing is unusual about these airspace incursions.
“Everything is fine”: That’s the same gaslighting he espoused about the Chinese spy balloon that flew over the United States for over a week in February earlier this year.
He also told the American people that the border was secure, and how did that turn out?
Mayorkas’ gaslighting tactics never stop.
Earl Beale
Terre Haute, Ind.
There were drones in mid-November and the beginning of December over New Jersey.
But, as far as I know there were no drones on Thanksgiving.
What does that tell you?
Michael Shapiro
Boca Raton, Fla.
The Issue: President Biden’s quiet, final weeks in the Oval Office before leaving January.
President Biden’s approval rating is his responsibility (“ ‘Hollow Man’ Joe derelict in last days,” Michael Goodwin, Dec. 14).
He sat back while members of his party and his weaponized Justice Department lied to the American people, divided our country and tried to destroy his political opponent and his family and essentially any American citizen who spoke out against the progressive nonsense the Dems were serving up.
All this, while allowing illegal migrants to pour into our country, tanking our economy, weakening our national security and diminishing America’s prestige in the world.
Michael D’Auria
Newsflash: Joe Biden has been “derelict” his whole presidency.
It’s just that in these final couple of months, we see how he has totally given up. Hashtag: worst president ever.
In his first month in office, Biden’s own party wrote a letter, authored by Rep. Ted Lieu and signed by over 30 Democrats, asking for Biden to give up control of the nuclear codes.
If the Democrats thought he was competent, would that happen?
Biden once bragged about knowing the world’s leaders.
I wonder if those leaders are even taking his calls these days.
Robert Fishman
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