The Danger of Uninformed Voters

Re your editorial, “A Vote Against April Elections”:

You miss the point. The low turnout is indicative of the fact that only those who are familiar with the issue and who care, vote in the April elections. Those who don’t even know there is an election are not likely to be informed voters.

During the general elections the uninformed electorate, faced with unfamiliar names or issues, votes for familiar-sounding names or nice-sounding themes. The uninformed voter is easily swayed by a last-minute slick campaign. Are we better off when the decisions are made by a few who are informed and care enough to vote, or by many who, on Election Day, may be lured to the polls to register their position on an international issue, and while there, vote on local issues about which they know nothing?

The 20% who know and care will give us better government than the 75% who don’t.



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