The Issue: President Biden reversing his long-maintained promise not to pardon his son Hunter.
Miranda Devine described in detail how close to the tree the rotten Biden apple has fallen (“Injustice: Like father, like son,” Dec. 2).
The entire Hunter Biden saga has in many ways made Watergate look like an adolescent prank.
The excuses offered by Hunter’s lawyer Abbe Lowell and the president make about as much sense as a Fellini film.
According to Lowell, Hunter should be pardoned because he acted while in the throes of an addiction and he should do no jail time because it might interrupt his recovery from said addiction.
So, as these two see it, a drunk driver causing an accident should not be arrested if he is addicted to alcohol and should do no time if he is in recovery?
Richard J. Carhidi
In providing his crooked tumor of a son Hunter with a pardon, President Biden has — for those of us who always knew him for the sleazy grifter and hack that he is — done us all a great favor.
By looking the American public directly in the eye and lying about this seminal issue, he has pulled the rug from under the feet of the tens of millions of misguided voters, who despite the plethora of evidence of his perfidy, loyally supported and believed in him.
I submit the pardon is but a very small price to pay for a reality check so long overdue.
Mitchell Schwefel
Barnegat, NJ
If Biden thinks he’s being clever by issuing a pardon for “any crime” his son may have committed or has been convicted of, he is mistaken.
By issuing this pardon, he has left himself open to an indictment.
President-elect Donald Trump’s DOJ or the Republican Congress could subpoena Hunter, and who knows would come of that.
Charlie Honadel
Venice, Fla.
The Constitution gives a president the power to pardon a crime.
Were it my son, I might have done the same as Joe Biden.
But nowhere do I see the power for a president to grant immunity for unspecified criminal acts.
Every president henceforth can pardon his entire staff, Cabinet and extended family for any and all crimes they committed over the last decade.
This cannot be what the Founders intended when the Constitution was ratified.
I bet most people would agree with me on that.
Paul O’Keefe
Union City, NJ
There were two things this year in politics that I was certain would not happen: Biden pardoning Hunter and Gov. Hochul reinstating congestion pricing.
Yeah, right!
Les Kurtz
In no way, shape, or form can Gerald Ford’s pardoning of Richard Nixon be compared to Biden’s pardon for his son Hunter (“Ranks up there with letting Nixon off hook,” Dec. 3).
That’s comparing apples to oranges.
Unlike Hunter Biden, a convicted felon, Richard Nixon was never judged guilty by a jury of his peers, nor did he have a history of criminal behavior.
Nixon was not a substance abuser or a drug addict, nor was he a patron of prostitutes or a tax cheat.
J. J. Crovatto
Ramsey, NJ
To hear that President Biden pardoned his son hunter Biden is really disconcerting.
The younger Biden’s acts warranted a stiff full-term sentence.
Raquel Hanon Boujo
Now that Joe Biden will be retiring and presumably writing another memoir, I hope he ponders on a follow-up to his previous 2007 bestseller: “Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics”
He told us on innumerable occasions that his “word as a Biden” was his bond, and we could all take it the bank.
He repeatedly promised that he would not pardon his son Hunter.
If I might be so bold, I’d suggest that the title of his new book be “Promises Not Kept.”
Bruce McMenemy
Sanford, Fla.
Hunter Biden, through all his actions, displayed that he believes he is above the rule of law.
This pardon proved true that to be true.
Willie Harris
Peoria, Ariz
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