Lefty Lysistratas
We knew President-elect Donald Trump’s victory would change the Biden administration’s failed policies, but it’s hard to imagine Americans’ sex lives would be included (“Yes to Don? No to sex!” Nov. 9).
Writer Georgia Worrell points out that women who voted for Vice President Kamala Harris are now withholding sex from their partners because she lost.
Conversely, Trump supporters may be enjoying a renaissance in the bedroom.
Robert Feuerstein,
Staten Island
Gun violence
“NYC teen magazines” describes the 42% increase in kids arrested with guns in New York (Nov. 11).
The city has the most stringent gun laws in the nation.
So it’s clear gun-control laws do nothing to stop bad actors.
Since recently arrived migrants comprise 60-75% of NYPD’s arrests in midtown, it’s not much of a leap to see where the problem lies.
I call on Gov. Hochul and Mayor Adams to work with President-elect Donald Trump to restore law and order by removing those who come to this country seeking to steal the American dream instead of earning it.
Peter Goldring,
Freehold, NJ
Ferry millionaires
Democratic mayoral hopeful Brad Lander demonstrated why New York City is ferrying towards bankruptcy by awarding outrageous retroactive pay packages to Staten Island ferry workers to pick up the endorsement of their union (“Ferry Tales,” Nov. 10).
Ridership on the ferries is around 20 million a year, but operating costs have ballooned thanks to inflated employee salaries, with some employees making seven figures.
No wonder taxpayers are fleeing the city in droves as Lander’s “open checkbook” campaigning style will further drain the municipal trough.
On Wall Street there used to be a saying: “You can be a bull or a bear, but never a pig.”
This idea seems to have been drowned out by the newly-minted millionaire ferry workers and clueless Democratic politicians.
Ron Spurga,
Smell the coffee
The Republican City Council Member Vickie Paladino’s opinion piece is instructive, but she like many other Republicans assumes that leftist politicians want to make society better (“Dems, Wake Up,” PostOpinion, Nov. 9).
Can’t progressives see the mess they are making with softness on crime, poor public-education results for high-needs students, drug abuse, criminality and high taxation?
Those are rational questions, but we are mistaken to believe that left progressives care about them.
What they really care about is power.
Political correctness is used to obtain and maintain power.
What is correct today will be incorrect tomorrow.
It is only a tool. We make a mistake when we assume that they wish to ameliorate society.
Peter Thalheim,
Class dismissed
I’m not sure if I read with more humor or sadness that college students were afforded an opportunity to not attend class after Trump’s victory (“Libs gone mad: Election snowflakes rush to NYC shrinks’ offices after Trump win,” Nov. 9).
It should be mandatory that first-year students read about the Greatest Generation.
I’m sure young men who lied about their age to enlist and fight in WWII for this country would have loved some safe spaces, but the foxholes were only so big.
If today’s students are our future leaders, God help us.
Dave Trossello,
Staten Island
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