Why does Tim Walz want to axe the Electoral College? To help fellow Dems

“I think all of us know, the Electoral College needs to go. We need a national popular vote” — that’s Tim Walz, ladies and gentlemen, the current Democratic vice presidential nominee.

Thursday, he basically doubled down on “Good Morning, America” while also trying to weasel out.

Remind us again about these “norms” that are so important to Dems they’ve spent the past decade screaming their heads off about them?

Oh, wait: Dems like Walz don’t actually have any respect for the Constitution, our political process or any other anchoring norm of this great republic. 

In fact, whenever little things like the Electoral College or the Supreme Court act as a brake on Democratic political gains, they demand that we scrap them or change them into conduits for Democratic power. 

We won’t review here the many reasons to keep the EC, or what a mess making it all about the national popular vote would entail.

The point is that Walz’s objection to the Electoral College isn’t coming from his supposed concerns that it’s undemocratic.

It’s because Kamala Harris may, per current polling, win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote. 

That’s it.

If Trump were ahead in the popular vote but seemed set to lose the EC, does anyone — anyone — believe Walz would be sounding this fake alarm?

Of course not.

He’d be blaming Trump’s looming popular-vote victory on disinformation and screeching that the EC is the only legitimate electoral method.  

Remember: Dems have literally zero trust in voters and want massive control over what they’re allowed to read, see and say. 

Yet we’re supposed to believe that lefties also think these poor dupable idiots should be allowed to decide elections directly, en masse?

Because Walz is not alone. 

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on record wanting the EC gone, as are Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Sens. Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker. 

Heck, even Kamala Harris herself in her 2020 campaign said she was open to axing it (despite the desperate walkback her current campaign pulled over Walz’s typically ill-timed remarks). 

And Dems have been yelling about how bad the EC is at least since the 2000 election. 

Again, not out of principle but because they figure it frustrates their political hopes. 

Look: If the Democrats were truly interested in scrapping the EC, there’s — quite literally — nothing stopping them from trying.

They need to win enough power in Congress to put it to a vote to amend the Constitution; then make their cases to the states to see that the amendment gets ratified. 

But that, somehow, never seems to happen. 

Instead, all we get is endless shrill whining, with the added contemporary seasoning of accusations that the EC is somehow racist. 

That’s even though the idea to end it has longstanding and fairly strong popular support. 

So why not make a real stab at it, instead of grandstanding? 

Because there’s no principle at stake.

Only the short-term lust for power. 

Voters need to remember that the next time some screechy lib weirdo starts yapping about norms.

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