The House should stay red in 2024 to keep the executive branch in line

Just two years ago, New York voters were crucial in handing control of the House of Representatives to Republicans, who proceeded to rein in the worst Biden-Harris madness; control is up for grabs again this year, with the stakes every bit as high.

Democrats ran both the House and Senate after the 2020 elections, and used it to launch the insane spending spree that pushed inflation to crushing levels.

After 2022, the Republican House not only tightened the spending spigot (some: you can only do so much with narrow control of half of Congress), they began to shine light on the Biden scandals and investigate other outrages like the Afghanistan debacle, and even launch a fully bipartisan look at China’s vast campaign of influence on these shores.

Democrats regaining the House this fall would be a complementary disaster, no matter who holds the White House or the Senate.

Again: Kamala Harris’ campaign website claims “no one is above the law,” but the GOP-run House has been the prime player ensuring Joe Biden has to account for his actions, including the recent vote formally condemning Biden, Harris and 13 other administration officials for the 2021 Afghan bugout that resulted in the deaths of 13 American troops.

House Republicans’ probes into Hunter Biden’s shady dealings not only exposed many sordid details, they forced an end to Justice Department efforts to ensure Hunter completely escaped justice.

And they’ve fought other lunacy, for example in July passing a measure to overturn Biden’s move to add “gender identity” as a protected class under Title IX, and another this month to block a loony EPA rule that would require two-thirds of new cars sold to be electric vehicles by 2032.

If Harris ekes out a win this November, a Republican House will be vital in stopping a repeat of the Biden disasters; if Donald Trump wins, to undoing the worst Biden legacies.

Whereas as Democratic House would fight to protect the worst of Bidenomics, as well as creating bogus scandals (in consort with the media) to kneecap a President Trump in his second term as the “Russiagate” smears did in his first.

New York will again be big in determining House control this year, in races we’ll examine in the coming days: Democrats are pumping millions into reversing the GOP’s 2022 gains here.

Remember: Even when a Democratic House candidate seems moderate, he or she would empower that party’s worst: the AOCs and Rashida Talibs, the big spenders, foreign-policy fantasists and social engineers.

No one expects the Empire State to decide the presidential race, but when it comes to the House, this is a swing state. In this crucial way, the nation’s future is in New York voters’ hands.

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