Letters, Sept. 29: Beautiful fall weather is for combining, not golfing


Why do TV weather people always say, “if you’re out golfing today?” Why don’t they say what this nice fall weather is for? They should say, “If you’re out there combining, baling second-cut hay or straw, or working down a quarter of stubble, it will be a great day for that.” They must remember Alberta was built on these nice fall days where men were out combining, baling hay or straw, or working up quarters of stubble for next year’s crops to go in. Nothing good ever was achieved from a nice fall day of golfing.


(A lot of farmers would say it’s good for both.)


As the Alberta Legislature opens soon it will be the first session for new NDP Leader Naheed Nenshi. As someone who campaigned on a platform of putting Alberta first, out of the gate, Nenshi has been a total disappointment. Nenshi started on a positive note with his top promise to have the Alberta NDP break all ties to the anti-Alberta federal NDP Party. This popular position allowed him to sell NDP memberships to Albertans who might otherwise not support the NDP. The result was he was chosen as Leader of the Alberta NDP party. Since then, Nenshi must have contracted amnesia because he has completely forgotten his No. 1 promise. This is more than bad management, but a betrayal of the people who voted for Nenshi. Promising one thing and doing the opposite. Like federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh he promised to break ties with the Justin Trudeau government just before two important byelections, but as soon as they were finished, supported Justin Trudeau in a vote of non-confidence keeping the dysfunctional Liberal government in power. The two-face politics of the NDP leader should not be tolerated by any Albertan. Don’t trust anything that Nenshi says in the Alberta legislature, to the media or to Albertans.


(Voters need deeds, not words.)


Just after our Conservative non-confidence vote was defeated, Liberal MP Karina Gould, who is known as the prime minister’s chief attack dog, accused the Conservatives of playing games and that the Conservatives lack the confidence of parliament. She is full of crap. It is the Bloc and the NDP parties who are playing games in hopes of getting what they want in exchange for their support to keep this very corrupt unethical prime minister in power. I am not impressed with her.


(She’s loyal to her leader.)

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