Boar’s Head’s deadly liverwurst and more: Letters to the Editor — Sept. 29, 2024

Worst liverwurst

As a lover of liverwurst, I am disturbed that Boar’s Head is offering the staff of its closed Jarret facility jobs at its other plants or severance packages (“Listeria plant is Boar’s dead,” Sept. 23).

These are the same workers who had a hand in the death and hospitalization of people in 18 states. Federal inspectors had previously cited the plant with the proliferation of flies, molds, puddles of blood and garbage.

These workers need to be put on the cutting board, as do those at the USDA who let the facility remain in operation long before the contaminated meat was distributed.

Donathan Salkaln, Manhattan

China tensions

There is a growing possibility that we could see an escalation toward war between the People’s Republic of China and the Philippines — which may result in the United States becoming involved (“Philippines condemns Chinese ‘floating barrier’ in South China Sea,” Sept. 24).

In recent months, Chinese Coast Guard vessels have frequently been ramming Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, as well as shooting them with water cannons and getting involved in hand-to-hand combat.

These events involving Chinese hostilities toward the Philippines signify the potential risk of a wider conflict which may drag along other nations, including the United States and its allies.

There is no doubt that China as a rising superpower will have an impact in the Asia-Pacific region and the globe. But it may not be Taiwan as a flashpoint in this potential conflict but, in fact, the Philippines. In any case, the United States must be prepared for any escalation.

Oliver B. Steward, Norwich, United Kingdom

Sex-crazed doctor

We should call him Dr. Jay “the hypocrite” Varma from now on (“COVID czar shown the sexit,” Sept. 24).

This man might be a doctor, but I think he’s a very troubled one. What he did during the pandemic was unforgivable. He was our pandemic czar, and yet he hosted sex parties and attended raves during that horrible time. This doctor should have his medical license taken away.

New York City during the pandemic was like a ghost town. The people of our city did what they were told to do by our pandemic czar. However, Dr. Hypocrite had other ideas. Shame on you, doctor.

Rob Johann, Queens

Subway danger

Maybe fewer kids would die while “subway surfing” if we stopped collectively romanticizing this reckless, dangerous and deadly act by continually describing it as if were a classic Beach Boys song (“ ‘How’d he walk out?’ ” Sept. 21).

Let’s all start calling it what it is: subway suicide. Hopefully then, young kids wouldn’t find it so appealing.

Richard Seigelman, Plainview

Billions in the red

The MTA is already in a ­$17 billion hole and now wants another $65 billion (“MTA’s big ask official?” Sept. 26).

Granted, the agency is a crucial service for the tri-state area. However, there must be oversight as to where this requested budget is going to go specifically. It can’t just be a guess.

We need to study the transit systems in England and Japan. Look at how well-run and clean they are, and (I’m sure) less costly. There should be an independent “transportation czar” for this.

How much more burden can New Yorker taxpayers take on before we’re forced to leave?

Donna Skjeveland, Holbrook

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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