Harris tells Oprah she’ll shoot invaders: Letters to the Editor — Sept. 26, 2024

The Issue: Vice President Kamala Harris’ interview with Oprah Winfrey last week.

A member of the audience on Oprah Winfrey’s show asked Vice President Kamala Harris a question — and she rambled for roughly three minutes before Oprah brought the conversation back to the original question, challenging Harris’ non-answer (“Kam builds tower of ‘babble’,” Sept. 21).

George Clooney’s New York Times op-ed was the catalyst for late-night talk-show hosts to make fun of President Biden’s mental acuity, so maybe Oprah’s action might be a catalyst for the liberal newspapers and news shows to challenge Harris’ non-sequiturs.

Robert E. Berk


Hollywood elites would rather vote for an airhead because their Trump-hatred is so strong.

Check out Harris’ interview with Oprah and her answers to questions from viewers.

Asked about her plan to lower the cost of living, she put together another of her word salads.

And of course she made headlines for discussing her gun ownership and saying she would shoot any potential invaders: more dressing on the word salad.

J. Napoleone

Richmond Hill

There isn’t a public appearance or interview in which Harris doesn’t reveal herself to be entirely incompetent.

Ken Karcinell


Democratic elitists like Oprah who predict the end of democracy if former President Donald Trump is elected refuse to acknowledge the four years of prosperity that we enjoyed during Trump’s first term.

They will say or do anything to get Harris elected.

Mel Young


“Word salad” has been the term used to describe Harris’ communication method.

A better term is obfuscation.

Hank Taylor

Bryan, Texas

The Issue: President Biden’s portrayal of his presidency during his final United Nations address.

True words from Michael Goodwin (“The worst of all times,” Michael Goodwin, Sept. 25).

President Biden has been on the political dole for half a century.

Sadly, we’ve been hoodwinked by the leftist media that former President Donald Trump is a dictator.

The devastation created by the policies of Biden and his minions will only grow if the Harris flip-flopping continues on its Bidenesque trajectory.

Like Trump tells all Americans, what do we have to lose?

Absolutely everything: respect, sovereignty and the rule of law.

Joe’s lies are his legacy.

Kevin Judge

Naples, Fla.

During his address to the United Nations, Biden grasped for anything to lighten the blow of all his poor decision-making.

With him at the helm, our ship of state has steered into many disasters.

What does he come up with?


We might just have to tell him that hope won’t cushion all the Americans afflicted by the pain he has caused.

His final exit can’t come soon enough.

History will not be kind to him and his accomplices.

Ronald G. Frank


Goodwin makes a great case that Biden is in fact the worst president our country has ever had.

James Schwartz

Summit, NJ

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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