COVID czar Jay Varma’s 2020 drug-fueled partying exposes public-health ‘experts’ as hypocritical tyrants

Dr. Jay Varma, the man behind New York City’s draconian COVID response under Bill de Blasio, secretly broke all the rules he insisted were necessary to save lives. 

He backed lockdowns that wrecked businesses and livelihoods; mindless vaccine mandates that cost workers their jobs. 

And all the while he was enjoying underground raves and drug-fueled parties. 

A video expose blew Varma up this week, showing the smug, smarmy Sybarite gloating over the fact that while he was going on TV to intone about the need for everyone to stay in their houses forever he was in private living like Caligula. 

“I did all this deviant, like sexual stuff while I was like, you know, like on TV and stuff. People were like, ‘Aren’t you afraid? Aren’t you embarrassed?’ and I was like, ‘No, actually, I’m like, I love being my authentic self,” Varma boasted to the undercover journo. 

He’s already taken up the standard playbook of progressive hypocrites: He didn’t use his “best judgment.” He just needed to “blow off steam.”

What about everyone else, Jay?

He stands by his COVID policy, stating it was based on science.

Nope: It was based on politics. 

And — natch — he’s blubbering that the videos form part of a sinister conspiracy by “extremists” to “malign public health officials and take down the public health system in America.”

No, Jay. You destroyed trust in the “experts” by imposing draconian, arbitrary rules even you couldn’t live by.

As the data have proven time and again, New York’s COVID response achieved nothing other than ruining people’s lives, many permanently. 

And Varma played a central role in making that happen. 

That he will stay out of prison, where he belongs like all corrupt public servants, is obscene; that he will keep his medical license is an enormity. 

But Dr. Varma has nonetheless done America a massive favor.

He’s shown yet again that our progressive public health “experts” are duplicitous narcissists who deserve eternal condemnation, not trust. 

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