Harris’ alarming anti-Israel stance would endanger its very survival

To avoid alienating voters, Kamala Harris is staying mum on the details of her presidential agenda. Yet she’s already left enough clues about her intentions toward Israel for its supporters to be highly alarmed.

Her interview Tuesday at the National Association of Black Journalists made that clear yet again.

Harris would stick 100% to her team’s current approach, which has dragged out the war by impeding Israeli military progress.

She’s blasting Israel and pushing a “cease-fire” that would set up another horrifying round of warfare.

She’s proud of the Harris-Biden halt on US weapons to Israel: “I am entirely supportive of . . . the pause that we put on the 2,000-pound bombs,” Harris boasted. “So, there is some leverage we have had and used.”

It all conforms to her team’s obscene view that the Hamas terrorists and their Israeli victims are moral equals.

“This war has to end,” she lectures — by “getting a hostage deal and a cease-fire deal.”

Deal? How about an Israeli victory?

“Israel has a right to defend itself,” she allowed, but “how it does so matters, and far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.”

Harris is pushing a “two-state solution” to “ensure that Israelis have security, and Palestinians, in equal measure, have security, self-determination and dignity.”

To that end, she’s “putting pressure on all parties.” 

Where to start?

Hello? Everyone wants the war to “end.” Except Hamas.

The terror group openly says that if it survives, it’ll launch more Oct. 7-style slay-fests and continue its war on Israel.

A cease-fire, then — even a supposedly permanent one — won’t “end” the war. Only a full defeat of Hamas will ensure Israel’s future security.

So why does Harris think both sides need to be pressured?

(For the record, Israel has agreed to most cease-fire plans on offer; Hamas rejected them.)

The veep’s plea that “far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed” is one form of her pressure on the Jewish state.

But how does Kamala know how many “innocent” Palestinians have died? By relying on casualty figures from Hamas, which notoriously lies about them?

Nor does it distinguish Hamas casualties from those of non-fighters — maybe because it regards (with good reason) all Palestinians to be anti-Israel fighters.

Many “civilians,” recall, took part in Oct. 7 and harbored hostages.

Overwhelming majorities of Gazans back the war on Israel, want it destroyed and would re-elect Hamas in a heartbeat.

Yet even if you assume thousands of innocents have been killed, remember:

  • Hamas started the war and is the one prolonging it — it can surrender whenever it chooses.
  • Israel has done more to protect civilians than any other military in any recent war.

Harris’ demand for a two-state solution that ensures Israel’s security while providing Palestinians with “self-determination and dignity” is pure Loo-Loo Land thinking: A Palestinian state would jeopardize Israeli security, which is why most Israelis oppose it.

And Gaza essentially had “self-determination” when Israel withdrew from it in 2005. It was Hamas that denied Gazans dignity, using billions meant for peaceful infrastructure to instead build a tunnel network from which to launch attacks.

It’s easy to dismiss Harris’ words as mere campaign rhetoric, crafted to maximize votes but not necessarily to reflect actual policy.

Yet in the meantime, her both-sides-ism plays directly into Hamas’ hands, emboldening it to demand more in negotiations and to hold out until it’s assured it will survive.

That’s costing lives, including those of Americans.

Indeed, Hamas might’ve been defeated already if the Harris-Biden team’s support for Israel were as “ironclad” as they claim — or if (perish the thought!) the White House had sent US forces to help Israel rescue American hostages.

Finally, look at the aides Harris has tapped for national security, Mideast and Jewish issues.

Like Philip Gordon, an Iran appeaser with troubling ties to people close to Tehran who helped draw up the disastrous 2015 Iran nuclear deal and opposed the killing of top Iranian terror thug Qasem Soleimani.

Or Ilan Goldenberg, who also backed the Iran-deal fiasco and reportedly helped get sanctions slapped on Israelis — the veep’s “golden boy” who “should alarm every friend of Israel,” Jerusalem Post editor-in-chief Zvika Kelin has warned.

And Tim Walz, her running mate, is head-over-heels for antisemitic Israel-hater Rep. Ilhan Omar and once praised a Muslim imam who allegedly backed Hamas.

That Harris won’t disclose her broader agenda should trouble all voters.

When it comes to the Jewish state, though, she’s made her views all too clear — and they’re far more than troubling for Israel’s supporters.

Adam Brodsky is The Post’s deputy editorial-page editor. Email: [email protected]

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