Trump faces another attempt on his life: Letters to the Editor — Sep. 17, 2024

The Issue: The second attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life, this time at his Florida golf course.

With a second assassination attempt within just two months, the contrast between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Harris is becoming increasingly clear (“Another ‘sniper’ takes aim at Don,” Sept. 16).

Trump has previously endured two impeachment trials, multiple legal challenges, constant demonization by the media and a rigged presidential debate.

Harris, on the other hand, rarely holds interviews, was handed the nomination, is never challenged by the media and lies without consequence.

Of these two candidates, which one do you believe is more battle-tested to be president?

Luana Dunn


I completely agree that former President Donald Trump’s level of security is scandalous (“The Trump Security Scandal,” Editorial, Sept 16).

How many assassination attempts will it take for the Secret Service to get things right? Donald Trump Jr. was spot on when he asked how many more attempts on his father’s life will continue to fail.

Hearing Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw state that Trump’s “security is limited” because he is not a sitting president makes it clear that it’s time to increase his security detail. When Trump hits the links to play golf, he should be fully protected.

Sal Giarratani

Boston, Mass.

One of the dirty little secrets of American history is that many political assassins have been often influenced by leftist rhetoric.

Leon Czolgosz, former President William McKinley’s assassin, was directly influenced by the radical communist rants of Emma Goldman. Goldman was an ardent leftist who spewed hatred for America and advocated for the overthrow of the government.

Today, we again see so-called journalists regurgitating the same hateful rhetoric against both Trump and any segment of the government influenced by Republican policies. The blame for these assassination attempts rests with them and the Washington elites who echo those antagonistic statements and refuse to take the higher ground.

Rick Cabrera


The second plot on President Trump’s life has brought forth a new array of emotions for me as an American.

With less than two months until Election Day, I feel determined to elect a man who does not cower when confronted by violence. I feel inspired to elect Trump, a former president who did not bow in the face of theocratic fascism, Chinese communism or Russian tyranny.

He killed Iran’s Gen. Qasem Soleimani, levied tariffs on China and stopped the flow of billions to Russia by halting Nord Stream 2. Trump’s strength will herald harmony, while Harris’ weakness will yield tyranny.

Henry Wilson

Washington, D.C.

The latest attempt against Trump’s life reflects the intensifying intolerance in American society, particularly from the left.

Yakov Moshe


With enough kooks in our midst willing to take out Trump, the Democrats and their allies don’t need to keep spewing hateful rhetoric toward our 45th president.

Stop the Adolf Hitler references and the claims that he is a threat to democracy, and just play fair.

John Bacha

Colonia, NJ

Many people in the Democratic Party have compared Trump to Hitler, claiming that if he is elected, he will dismantle all democratic institutions and become a dictator for life.

But now they say that they’re relieved he wasn’t killed in what is now the second attempt on his life. With the comparisons they have made, the Democrats ought to be distraught that he’s still alive.
Man, are they a bunch of hypocrites.

Denis Bourget

Montréal, Canada

When you constantly label Trump a monster and even compare him to Hitler, another assassination attempt on him is the inevitable result.

I can’t believe the hatred and vitriol directed at one man.

Louie Rey

Summerville, SC

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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