Good Morning Britain viewers ‘disgusted and uncomfortable’ after presenter’s response to UK riots

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Ed Balls’ interview style and comments on today’s Good Morning Britain have been heavily criticised.

Viewers have reacted strongly to the host’s discussion with the Labour MP for Coventry South, Zarah Sultana, regarding the riots currently taking place in the UK.

Over the past week, police have been faced with violence in Rotherham, Middlesbrough, Bristol, Bolton and other parts of the UK with extremists smashed windows, shops, cars and lit bins on fire, while also attacking officers with pieces of wood, chairs and bricks, and Sultana was on the ITV daytime show to explain why it was so important that the attacks were called ‘Islamophobic’ amongst other issues.

At one point in the programme, the 30-year-old asked Balls, 57, if he believed discussion around immigration is partially to blame for the incidents taking place.

‘I think if you fail to manage immigration properly, then things go wrong,’ he responded. ‘Do you believe in controlling and managing immigration?’

‘The language that they are using are “stop the boats”. They are telling people like me to “go home”,’ she said about the rioters.

Ed Balls and Zarah Sultana mid-discussion on Good Morning Britain
Balls’ interview was criticised (Picture: Good Morning Britain)

Riot police officers push back anti-migration protesters outside the Holiday Inn Express Hotel which is housing asylum seekers on August 4, 2024 in Rotherham, United Kingdom
Riots have been taking place across the UK (Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

‘If we look at the language used by politicians, and the language used in the streets, you will see a direct correlation.’

Balls then claimed Sultana was ‘attacking him’ while smiling, before asking again if she agreed that it’s important to control migration.

As she began to talk, he interrupted with ‘I’m asking you a question.’

‘I am answering it,’ she protested. ‘I think we need to talk about migration in a way that humanises people.’ Balls then agreed with her statement and called the riots ‘terrible’, but repeated his question about the control.

Sultana, who became the youngest MP from a Muslim background when she was elected in 2019, highlighted that everyone should be cautious about the language we use to prevent incidents that have taken place in recent days.

Ed Balls on Good Morning Britain
Balls didn’t feel that Sultana answered his question (Picture: ITV)

‘I’m asking you a really simple question,’ he interjected and repeated his earlier query once more.

This time, answering directly, she told him that the UK needs a ‘fair’ system, and should recognise the contributions of immigrants to the country.

Pulling a puzzled face, Balls said: ‘You didn’t answer mine .’

Ed Balls looking angry and Zarah Sultana speaking on Good Morning Britain
The pair’s interaction made some viewers feel ‘uncomfortable’ (Picture: ITV)

Co-host Kate Garraway previously asked about why it’s so important that the term Islamophobia is used, and Sultana asked if she could answer that.

‘You can do but you haven’t answered any of mine,’ he remarked. He then said Prime Minister Keir Stermer and Home Secretary Yvette Cooper, who Balls is married to, have condemned the attacks on mosques and racism.

‘I don’t know if they’ve used the term Islamophobia,’ he added. ‘They haven’t,’ Sultana said.

Not everyone agreed with the handling of the interview, with particularly negative reviews for Ed’s choices.

Ed Balls and Kate Garraway mid-discussion on Good Morning Britain
Sultana felt she wasn’t given the chance to answer Garraway’s question(Picture: ITV)

Actress and TV personality Narinder Kaur condemned the programme.

‘This is unacceptable & deeply uncomfortable viewing. An entire white panel questioning a brown woman like a suspect. Ed Balls and Kate have left their homes this morning with no fear. Zarah and every other brown/black person left knowing they are a target,’ she stated.

‘ED BALLS is being a total arse. (He’s asking stupid random questions just to interrupt and knock her balance.),’ wrote Ken Chisholm.

Thomas H agreed: ‘Ed Balls being incredibly patronising and condescending to Zarah Sultana. That just highlights the problem.’ They added: ‘Zarah Sultana speaking the truth on GMB and the presenters didn’t want to hear it, which is part of the problem.’

‘I’m disgusted by how they’re dog pilling this girl when she’s defending a community under ATTACK! They’re literally arguing with her about calling these rioters islamaphobic for 10 mins,’ said SJ.

‘Good for you @zarahsultana for standing up to bullish questioning from @edballs He made ME feel very uncomfortable,’ typed Jane Cross.

‘@GMB You should be ashamed at the right wing prejudice pundits and presenters who push their own agenda. @edballs Shame on you,’ remarked Jen Johnson.

Jonathan Shafi wrote: ‘Look how hyper-defensive and condescending Ed Balls is. Completely unprofessional, and callous, given the context.’

Later in the programme, Balls and Garraway spoke with Cooper and viewers questioned if he could be unbiased.

‘Ed Balls is married to the Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, it is not ok to use him to host this interview,’ said Michael Forshaw.

Indy Left questioned: ‘How can you seriously have Ed Balls on as a presenter, talking about “Home secretary Yvette Cooper,” as if she WASN’T his wife??? Ridiculous!’

Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper smiling together at a red carpet event
Balls’ ability to remain unbiased was questioned (Picture: Mike Marsland/WireImage)

Ed Balls and Kate Garraway on Good Morning Britain
Garraway has taken a break from Good Morning Britain (Picture: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock)

The episode marked Garraway’s return to the show, after taking time away after her dad was rushed to the hospital.

The broadcaster, 57, dropped out of the ITV morning programme nearly a month ago after reports Gordon had suffered a suspected stroke and heart attack.

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