NYC man who ran through apartment building nude, masturbated in public and bashed walls with hammer finally evicted

A Queens man who traipsed the hallways of his Astoria building naked, masturbated in common areas and screamed threats through a megaphone, has finally been booted — to the relief of his frazzled neighbors.

City Marshal Edward Guida, Jr., arrived just after 10 a.m. Friday, and headed to the sixth floor of 23-34 Broadway to evict Alexandre Lais, who hasn’t paid rent in over two years. Last month, The Post exposed his lewd and bizarre antics, which tenants said gave some of the kids in the building nightmares.

Alexandre Lais walks away from his apartment, passed the patched-up holes he left in the wall. Michael Nagle

“I am relieved, but I won’t be all the way there until I know he won’t try and hang around here,” said one resident, still too afraid to give their name.

Lais, 48, made life a living hell for neighbors, who said he constantly blasted music or audio recordings of revving chainsaws or his own voice, and once vowed to burn the entire building to the ground.

He allegedly punched holes in the walls with a hammer and damaged his own apartment door, bashing it from the inside out with a hammer for hours, tenants claimed.

City marshals inspect Lais’ dilapidated door as they wait for him to grab some personal belongings. Michael Nagle

Lais’ apartment door was bowing outward, from being hammered from the inside out. Michael Nagle

“In 20 years, I’ve never seen a door looking like this,” Guida said.

Lais was afforded time to wash up and collect personal items. Workers removed the badly battered steel door, replacing it with a new one.

“You become a wolf at night?” Guida joked, surveying the damaged walls and doorframes.

Lais told The Post it was his neighbors who caused the damage to his apartment door. Michael Nagle

A worker arrives with a replacement door, which was installed as authorities waited on Lais. Michael Nagle

After 22 minutes, Lais emerged in tan pants and an aqua blue zebra T-shirt. A purse and a white bath towel were slung over his right shoulder.

Officials locked up the apartment, and warned trespassing charges would be filed if he returned. A notice to that effect was taped to the door.

Lais received several documents, with information on the appeals process. A worker from Adult Protective Services was also there with information on shelters and supportive housing.

Lais’ notorious naked exits were caught on camera. Obtained by The New York Post

After being escorted out, Lais told The Post he’d find a hotel for the weekend.

Building owner Broadway Crescent Realty first filed for eviction in Queens Housing Court in June 2023, claiming Lais breached his lease’s terms, citing his erratic behavior and his failure to make rent payments. The case was quickly dismissed over a technicality, but the company moved to revive the eviction in December.

A judge granted the eviction but initially put the brakes on the proceedings to give Lais more time to respond.

The exterior of 23-35 Broadway in Astoria, Queens; Lais resided on the sixth floor. J.C. Rice

The sight Lais’ neighbors have waited over two years to see. Michael Nagle

The building’s attorney waited outside until Lais eventually left. Michael Nagle

On July 12, Lais was a no-show for a final housing court hearing in his case — sealing his ouster from the building.

He will have to schedule a time with attorneys for Broadway Crescent to retrieve the rest of his belongings.

Asked what, if anything, he’d say to his neighbors, Lais replied, “I hope they stay well now. I hope everything will be fine now.”

When questioned about the door damage, Lais blamed his neighbors, and “the security that was outside” his apartment every night. “They would bang my door. They’d hit it from outside many nights, trying to break into my apartment. Every night, people tried to break into my apartment,” he added.

Lais said any time he was naked in the halls, it was after leaving the shower to check on “scary” noises he’d heard, accidentally locking himself out in the process.

“It’s a sad situation,” a neighbor reflected. “It really sucks it had to come down to this.”

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