Kamalaflage: Dems race to expunge the evidence of Harris’ leftist history

Vice President Kamala Harris last year heartily condemned any effort “to erase and even rewrite the ugly parts of our history.”  

But she didn’t mention that the “ugly parts” of her own record would be exempt from such a rewrite ban.

Now a tidal wave of Kamalaflage has engulfed the presidential contest, as Harris’ entire career is being miraculously expunged — or at least purified — in a craven evidence-rigging stampede by media outlets and supposedly nonpartisan scorekeepers.

Democrats and the media are looking to to erase and rewrite Vice President Kamala Harris' past hard-left policy positions.
Democrats and the media are looking to to erase and rewrite Vice President Kamala Harris’ past hard-left policy positions. AP Photo/John Bazemore

Harris plainly ascended to the nomination thanks to a de facto coup of Democratic Party kingpins and donors.

Yet The Washington Post on Sunday hailed those machinations as “the most spectacular transformation in recent American political history, a flashbang midsummer swap at the top of the presidential ticket.”

Perhaps the paper should change its motto to “Democracy dies as a spectator sport,” given its effusive praise for the Democrats’ willingness to sideline their own primary voters.

In 2019, Harris was hell-bent on a national fracking ban that could have crippled US energy production. 

When Trump bashed her on that last week, she recanted — but Politico headlined its coverage with “Harris Campaign Pledges She Won’t Ban Fracking After Trump Accusation,” implying that Trump had slandered her.

“Centrist Democrat” is the label of the moment for Team Kamala apologists, and even supposedly neutral sources are falling in line.

Govtrack, one of the most frequently quoted sources in Washington, boasts on its web page its mission of “tracking the US Congress to make our government more open and accessible.”

Except when that tracking could cost a Democrat votes. 

In 2019, GovTrack labeled Kamala Harris the “most liberal” senator — further to the left than even Bernie Sanders — but this month deleted the webpage that said so.

“A single year was not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators,” GovTrack founder Joshua Tauberer declared.

Perhaps Harris was taken hostage in 2019 and an impostor cast senate votes for endless budget-busting boondoggles in her name, but Tauberer offered no evidence of such a switch.

Are we also obliged to forget that Kamala’s hard-left positions helped wreck her gold-plated first presidential run — which failed to win a single Democratic delegate?

In 2020, as looters and arsonists ravaged Minneapolis after the killing of George Floyd, then-Sen. Harris urged people to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund “to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

Her appeal effectively exonerated anyone committing violence or other crimes, portraying them as worthy of speedy release from jail — but the bail fund paid to release rapists and child molesters and future murderers, not just looters.

Yet a CBS News analysis last week absolved Kamala of all blame because she did not personally donate to the fund. No matter that her tweet urging contributions to the Freedom Fund was shared more than 15,000 times.

The height of media sycophancy — so far — is their vehement denial that Kamala was ever Biden’s “border czar.”

USA Today, CNN, Axios, Time and other outlets joined to effectively exonerate her of blame for the 10 million or more illegal immigrants who have arrived since 2021 — apparently because the administration never printed up letterhead stationery with “Border Czar” as the veep’s official title.

In his televised farewell mumble last week, Biden sought to bury Harris’ failure by falsely claiming, “Border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office” — despite online videos of vast convoys of illegal immigrants lining up to cross the southern border like they’re queuing for a ride at Disney World.

Last July, as Harris spearheaded the administration’s attack on Florida’s effort to block fabricated 1619-style versions of history in public schools, she promised, “I will always stand up for fundamental freedoms, including the freedom to learn and teach America’s full history.” 

But neither Harris nor Biden has given Americans the freedom to understand the backroom dealings that have driven federal policy since they took office. (Could they at least tell us who is controlling the presidency these days?)

Will the fate of Kamala’s campaign hinge on an intellectual Keystone Kops chase, as her bootlickers rush to vaporize her past faster than voters can recognize her deceits? 

Does Kamala’s path-breaking candidacy entitle her to achieve the Oval Office “unburdened by what has been” her life record?

On Monday, The New York Times provided a Bidenesque absolution for every wacky position that Kamala ever took, helpfully explaining that during her 2020 presidential run, “Ms. Harris also often appeared as if she were not sure what she believed.” 

Republicans will never be able to make a case against someone who was an innocent bystander to her own career.

James Bovard’s latest book is “Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty.”

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