Former ‘Jeopardy!’ champ working as private school teacher busted on child porn charges

A former Jeopardy! winner faces a slew of sex charges involving children.

He appeared in a 2014 Jeopardy! episode where he went home as a one-time champion with just over $10,000 in winnings.

He’s alleged to have faked being a student at least 11 times between October 2022 and May 2024 on Snapchat and sent messages to five girls and one boy, all of whom are ages 13-15, according to the DA’s office.

Under the username “hunterkristoff,” prosecutors claim Nguyen contacted the several victims with a video “depicting a nude boy masturbating” — who investigators later determined was a 16-year-old living in another state — before asking for them to send images of themselves “nude or performing sexual acts.”

Nguyen is also accused of using another username, “haircutbongos,” to pay for videos he solicited from a child “depicting them perform a sexual act” and whom he allegedly paid before sharing the footage with other minors.

Both Snapchat accounts were traced back to IP addresses associated with Nguyen’s home in Harlem, prosecutors allege.

The young alleged victims attended Saint Ann’s as well as three other private schools in Brooklyn.

Nguyen allegedly had similar predatory online interactions with several other children, officials said, and is believed to have contacted hundreds of teens, though it is unclear if all were private school students in the city, the Post reported.

Brooklyn district attorney Eric Gonzalez said: “The fact that he was a teacher and a trusted figure among students make these allegations even more troubling.”

He now faces charges of use of a child in a sexual performance, promoting a sexual performance by a child, first-degree disseminating indecent material to minors, third-degree conspiracy, third-degree criminal solicitation, and endangering the welfare of a child.

Nguyen’s bond was set at $30,000 cash or $75,000 bond. His next court appearance is Oct. 17.


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