Rotting bodies found in NYC apartment after friend hit with putrid smell at door: sources

A pair of rotting bodies were discovered inside a Brooklyn apartment morning after a pal of one of the tenants was met with an overwhelming stench at the door, police and sources said Thursday.

Police were called Wednesday to the home for a wellness check on a 54-year-old woman after the unnamed pal went to the door to check on his friend because he hadn’t heard from her in weeks, according to sources and the NYPD. 

Two bodies were found at 640 Ditmas Ave in Brooklyn.
Two bodies — one of them with stab wounds all over her body, according to sources — were found at 640 Ditmas Ave in Brooklyn. Google Maps

That’s when he got a whiff of the smell at 640 Ditmas Aven. around 10:15 a.m. in Kensington and called police.

Sources said the woman was found with stab wounds all over her body and a decomposed man was nearby in the apartment she shared with her son. A knife was also found, the sources said.

It’s unclear if she died of the stab wounds because her body was so badly decomposed, sources told The Post.

Police have been called to the home numerous times for domestic incidents, according to sources.

The bodies were found Thursday morning.
The bodies were found Thursday morning. News12 Brooklyn

The city’s medical examiner’s office is conducting autopsies on both bodies to determine the cause of death, police said.

Their identities have yet to be released. 

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