Court to consider 11 interveners in Sask.’s pronoun bill appeal

Chief Justice Robert Leurer told the relevant parties they will be notified if their request for intervener status is granted ahead of the court hearing in September.

A panel comprising three Court of Appeal justices has heard from 11 entities seeking intervener status in the Saskatchewan government’s appeal to quash a legal challenge against its pronoun consent bill.

The number of prospective interveners has grown steadily since the court challenge was filed four months ago.

The bill requires students under 16 to have parent or guardian consent to use a new gender-related preferred name or set of pronouns in schools.

New Brunswick introduced a similar consent policy before Saskatchewan that is currently being challenged in court by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA). Alberta adopted its policy in February.

Only one applicant was contested Wednesday by lead co-counsel for UR Pride Adam Goldenberg: Our Duty Canada, self-described online as “a support network for parents of children of any age experiencing transgender ideation.”

The group is a chapter in an international coalition for parents who oppose gender ideology or transitional treatments for youth. Our Duty Canada has also sought intervenor status in CCLA’s legal challenge in New Brunswick.

Lawyer Paul Jaffe said his client seeks friend-of-the-court status as Our Duty Canada can provide insight from “parents whose own direct experiences and observations would be impacted by what’s being advanced by UR Pride.”

“They perceive the real harm that arises, in a real way, in the effects of disenfranchising of parents from having what should be a close, honest and open relationship with their children,” Jaffe said. “Nobody else is advancing that argument, and certainly not as strongly as my client.”

Jaffe rejected claims by Goldenberg that these arguments are “inflammatory” and would “transform the court into a political arena.”

“This whole issue of gender ideology in schools, and where proper limits may be, is a political issue and we can’t get away from that,” said Jaffe. “As much as we want to confine our attention to points of law … this is an ideological issue.”

Goldenberg countered that these arguments are out of scope for the case at hand, as they are not addressed by Saskatchewan’s draft factum and should be denied because “interveners are not to raise new issues.”

Jaffe said his client is seeking to “provide context,” not add arguments. Goldenberg countered that context “would be perfectly suited” for the original legal challenge, currently on hold while the appeal is heard.

Also heard by the court was opposition to a request that special conditions be imposed on Alberta and New Brunswick, if granted intervener status.

UR Pride asked the court to limit both to withhold arguments on the issue of the challenge’s “mootness” that would “overlap” with those already put forward by the Government of Saskatchewan.

Milad Alishadi, co-counsel from the firm MLT Aikins, opposed the conditions as these are the only interveners “also able to invoke the notwithstanding clause, an issue at the heart of this.”

A request has been made for the appeal to be heard by a panel of five justices, instead of the standard three.

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