NYC mom terrified her teen son’s accused killer is about to be set free: ‘My family deserves better’

A grief-stricken Bronx mom whose 15-year-old son was allegedly strangled to death by his own stepdad is terrified the accused killer could be free to roam the streets as early as Friday, she told The Post.

Karen Glenn, whose son Corde Scott was viciously killed in his own apartment last year, said she’s petrified that accused killer Tyresse Minter could be cut loose following a scheduled parole hearing — even as he still faces separate criminal charges in her teen son’s death.

“I feel unsafe, to be honest,” Glenn told The Post. “I don’t think the parole board even cares about the safety of me or my daughter or that my son’s life even matters, and it does.”

Making matters worse, Glenn said her 6-year-old daughter witnessed her brother’s horrifying death and is now also afraid that Minter may come back.

The 2023 strangling death of 15-year-old Corde Scott became a symbol of New York’s broken criminal justice system. New York Post

“She’s afraid of him. She’s a victim as well. She had to witness that,” she said. “It’s cruel. There’s no consideration for the victims. There’s no consideration for the families.

“My family deserves better,” Glenn added. “My son’s life matters and my 6-year-old daughter is a victim here too and I’m going to fight for my family.”

Corde’s violent death sparked widespread outrage after Minter’s arrest in April 2023.

The ex-con got into a scuffle with the teen and allegedly began choking him inside the apartment he shared with the boy, his sister and his mother.

He was eventually charged with manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in the teenager’s death — but was released without bail by notoriously soft-on-crime Judge Naita Semaj.

Tyresese Minter was charged with manslaughter in the strangling death of 15-year-old Corde Scott but was released without bail and remained free until he was hit with a parole violation. Tyrese Minter./Facebook

The judge’s puzzling decision terrified Glenn — as when Minter was released from prison after his earlier robbery conviction he was shipped right back to her apartment, where he later allegedly killed Corde.

“He was paroled to my home, released back to the house he was in before he was sent to jail,” she said this week. “So, they though it was safe? They approved my home. Safe for who? He killed Corde.”

Infuriated by the decision to release Minter, Gov. Kathy Hochul intervened and ordered that the ex-con be picked up on a state warrant for a parole violation stemming from an earlier robbery conviction, which saw him locked up at Rikers Island.

But that could change Friday, when Minter is due before a parole board judge in Brooklyn, who is weighing a plea deal to just 15 months on the violation — which could free him immediately because he’s already been behind bars for that amount of time, sources confirmed.

Bronx Judge Naita Semaj was pulled from criminal court and relegated to civil cases after her decision to release accused killer Tyresse Minter without bail last year. Tomas E. Gaston for NY Post

The strangling death of 15-year-old Corde Scott rattled the community — and sparked outrage when his alelged killer was released without bail. Tomas E. Gaston for NY Post

Because Minter still has no bail in the manslaughter case, he could then be released.

Glenn said the Bronx DA’s office tipped her off that prosecutors plan to meet with the parole judge in the case in advance of Friday’s hearing — but it’s unclear if they will push to set bail in Corde’s case.

Minter’s public defender attorney did not respond to a call for comment from The Post.

A spokesperson for the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, which oversees that Empire State’s parole system, would only confirm that Minter’s hearing is scheduled for Friday.

But the fallout from the case has been immense — Semaj was yanked from hearing Bronx criminal cases and relegated to civil court following her decision to release Minter, the last straw for her overseers.

Corde Scott, 15, got into a scuffle with his stepdad, Tyresse Minter, and choked to death on Jan. 26, 2023, police said. Family via Bronx12

Adding insult to injury for Corde’s family, a second judge who picked up the case, Bronx County Court Judge David Lewis, granted Minters’ request to remain free pending his manslaughter trial.

Now Glenn said he could be cut loose before the week is out.

“I don’t think they’re concerned with my safety or my daughter’s safety,” she said.

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