Elon Musk is entirely right to flee Gavin Newsom’s anti-parent, anti-biz California

Elon Musk has had it with California: He’s relocating SpaceX and X to Texas after Cali Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law designed to keep parents in the dark about their kids’ gender identities.

“This is the final straw,” Musk tweeted Tuesday. “Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ” to Texas.”

He’s even smarter than we thought.

The billionaire noted that he’d warned Newsom a year ago that “laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children.”

Of course they would.

What parent wouldn’t want to know something as important as their child’s desire to change his or her gender identity? Such information is vital to looking out for your kids’ best interests.

Newsom & Co. arrogantly think the state is better suited to raise children than their own mother and father: The new law bans school boards outright from requiring parents be notified.

To any sane person, that’s upside-down: If anything, the state should ban schools from keeping parents in the dark.

And no company should want its employees’ families slammed this way.

Nor by California’s intent to soon require schools to jam its divisive “liberated ethnic studies” curriculum down kids’ throats.

This “final straw” comes atop a host of deranged mandates and policies, such as Cali’s “green” agenda, which invites brownouts and bans gas-fueled cars by 2035.

Or its soft-on-crime and other destructive progressive policies, letting lawbreakers go wild, drug abuse to become commonplace, homeless encampments to take over neighborhoods, streets to be turned into outdoor bathrooms . . .

Not to mention California’s high state tax rates (personal and corporate) and mandates like its minimum-wage laws — all of which consistently land the state at the bottom as a place to do business.

Texas, notably, has no personal or corporate income tax, reasonable business regulations and sane policies on crime, homelessness and other quality-of-life fronts.

The real question about Musk’s move is: What took him so long?

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