Biden’s devil’s deal with the hard left is an attack on America and the Democratic Party — and a gift to Trump

In his desperate bid to fend off the Democratic revolt, President Biden is now pandering hard to the hard left — selfishly putting his own desires ahead of his party’s interests and the nation’s needs.

The first two shoes he’s dropped, a push for national rent control and a so-called “Supreme Court reform” package of term limits and an ethics code, are terrible ideas and flagrantly unconstitutional.

“Today, I’m sending a clear message to corporate landlords: If you raise rents more than 5% on existing units, you should lose valuable tax breaks,” vowed Biden ahead of addressing the NAACP convention in Las Vegas.

In his actual speech, the failing prez misread the TelePromTer, pledging to limit rent-hikes to “$55.”

Of course, rent control is a disastrous policy that, as Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis immediately warned: “This kind of cap would lead to less affordable housing being built and substantially increase hosting costs.”

His high-court “reforms,” meanwhile, are an outright attack on an equal branch of the federal government, aimed squarely at subordinating the justices’ independence from the political branches — an independence that has protected Americans’ rights for 235 years.

Sounds like an attack on our democracy to us.

Until now, Biden had avoided any major support for the left’s war on the court as an institution, but it’s become a cause celebre on the left, which he now sees as his best hope to not lose the party’s nomination for a second term.

(His other big gambit: Pushing for a soon-as-possible virtual roll call with delegates to lock in the nomination ahead of he convention, supposedly to comply with an Ohio ballot-qualifying law that’s already been amended to avoid the issue, not that he’s winning Ohio this year anyway.)

Of course, it may not be Joe, but Hunter and Jill, behind this strategy: They’re practically his only his top advisers at this point in his rapid decline.

Yes, rapid.

He could at least read a script smoothly until now, but the NAACP mistake is only his latest TelePrompTer fail: “Battle box” for “ballot box” came Sunday night.

And when aides handed him a note during Saturday’s Zoom with House Democrats, he read it out loud: “Stay positive, you are sounding defensive.”

At another point in that call, he angrily dissed the military record of Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), an Army Ranger who earned the Bronze Star for his combat actions in the Iraq invasion.

Overall, reports on the call say he was “rambling” and “even worse” than during the debate.

Plus, his live ABC and NBC interviews were both disasters.

In short, his efforts to show he’s not losing it instead are showing he is — while the polls he either isn’t shown or won’t read show him headed to a landslide loss in November that will drag multiple Democratic candidates down with him.

Responsible party leaders are plotting behind the scenes to dump Joe, and the Bidens know it: Hence the attempted devil’s bargain of red meat for the hard left.

As we’ve noted, the left calculates that its power within the party will rise if Biden loses in November: That’s what happened the last time Trump won, and since Biden’s theoretically a “moderate,” his defeat will let lefties claim that’s why he lost.

Yet the fact that the president is embracing hard-left ideas now elevates them within the party — indeed, makes them part of the party’s brand in voters’ minds.

That is, his selfish gambit is further reducing the Democratic Party’s appeal to centrist voters in the runup to Election Day.

This, while almost getting killed has inspired former President Donald Trump to turn the GOP convention into a unity fest reaching out to swing voters and broadening Republicans’ appeal.

In short, the Bidens are crippling Democrats, boosting the GOP and warring on democracy: It’s the ultimate trifecta of selfishness.

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