Cole Escola’s ‘Oh, Mary!’ is the best new show on Broadway

B’way shows are a blast

Broadway, which lately’s become Boreway, is waking up.

Newie at the Lyceum Theatre is Cole Escola, a young queen — no Camilla type — who wrote, created and stars in “Oh, Mary!” as Mrs. Abe Lincoln and whose hoop skirt flashes her pantaloons. The multi­hyphenate identifies as nonbinary.

Never saw them before. They work comedy clubs. Also never before saw the unusual outfits on their devoted audience.

I mean, I don’t mind a guy behind me sporting high heels — but, like, rhinestone buckles?

For the B’way opening night party at a gay bar, Escola wore a black dress. Christian Dior, no. Irving Dior, maybe.

They’ve captured a trend. The thing’s funny. A quickie in-and-out 80 minutes — no intermission.

No three-hour drama we’ve seen 12 times while desperately needing the can. And who else EVER opens a show in July?

Also, forget paying C-notes for a seat. Tickets are cheapos.

Thriller “Job,” about social media, began at some theaterlet downtown. It’s now inside B’way’s gizzard (44th next to Sardi’s).

Its star Sydney Lemmon is Jack Lemmon’s granddaughter. It’s the B’way debut of producer Shari Redstone. Also opening’s Mia Farrow and Patti LuPone in the comedy “The Roommate.”

B’way hasn’t seen this much hot-weather action since Nicole Kidman went naked in 1998’s “The Blue Room.”

Mark as: return to offender

Following Donald’s scare, comes this female’s email: “Sad one man could unleash such vitriol as to divide our democracy.

“Trump’s dividing a people that no foreign enemy could. No surprise someone would be driven to try to eradicate the source of the divisiveness. He must dial down. An attempt on his life should make him understand enough is enough.”

Now me: How could anyone dare send this to me? What have we come to?

One more thought — then I’ll shut up for a while. About time they nailed Hunter. A Trump kid would’ve been indicted, tried and convicted long ago.

Fraud squad

Watch for scams. New tech has emboldened thieves. A senior, alone, banking by phone, got totally wiped financially. Entire savings, held in a reputable financial establishment — depleted. She’s devastated. Cyber pros are trying to track the account.

Warning: Take NO phone calls from unknown sources. Do NOT answer or offer information to unfamiliar callers.

Painful losses

We just lost Dr. Ruth, Shannen Doherty, Richard Simmons.

Fresh from Israeli army duty, Dr. Ruth Westheimer arrived 1980. 1982, our first interview, she said: “Vy you say I speak viz eccent. Please, I heff no eccent.”

Richard Simmons to me about WNBC-TV’s former longtime local news anchor Sue Simmons: “If we married she’d be Simmons Simmons.”

In my home Shannen Doherty — this had nothing to do with my lousy tuna lunch — said: “I have a recurring nightmare. Worry about swallowing my remote control.”

Actual happening. Friend took up horseback riding to lose weight. And it worked. Last summer the horse lost 15 pounds.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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