MSNBC pulled ‘Morning Joe’ off air because execs KNEW what guests would say about Trump

In the wake of the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, even MSNBC got a clue about the insanity coming over its airwaves:Network honchos pulled left-fest “Morning Joe” Monday.

Gee, wonder why?

Wait . . . . could it be that the show plays host to some of the most whacked-out Trump-haters in the media (and that’s saying something) and MSNBC was afraid of what might slip out of their mouths?


Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough
“Morning Joe” co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough. The show wasn’t aired Monday morning over fears of what might be said following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. MSNBC

Reports have an inside source saying the decision came in part over worries that one of the show’s stable of talking heads “might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole.”

We’d upgrade that concern to a near certainty, given the overall tone the left struck in immediate response to Saturday’s near-tragedy

And it’s not shocking the MSNBC bosses are eyeing this show specifically, given that its cohosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough are defiantly, publicly sycophantic toward Biden. 

But the move is basically an admission that when it comes to “Morning Joe,” the inmates are running the asylum

So much so that network execs know they can’t restrain them short of pulling the plug. 

Note, by the way, the weaselly language: The show was pulled allegedly because some nutso might make a half-witty crack that “could be used to assail the program and network as a whole.”

Not because thumbs-upping an assassination attempt (which is clearly what they’re afraid of) is bad in itself. 

No, the real crime is that it could be used to attack a premier institution of lib hysteria. 

To that we can say only: MSNBC, you made the right call. 

And just to be safe, those execs might want to keep that circus off the air Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday (and maybe give Joy Reid the whole month off).

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