Take a cognitive test NOW, Joe: You owe it to the voters and America

President Biden should listen immediately to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who said Wednesday: “I don’t think that it would hurt” for the embattled prez to take a cognitive test.

That’s an early contender for understatement of the millennium. 

And Biden’s ongoing refusal to get tested — or at least release the results of any secret ones he’s had — amounts to a direct and brazen lie to the voters he’s asking to trust him with four more years in the most powerful political office in the world. 

The evidence of his mental and physical decline is abundant. 

Like the hush-hush visit of a Parkinson’s expert to participate in Joe’s physical in January. 

Or his endless wander-offs and freeze-ups and visible confusion, which even occurred during key events and meetings with global leaders like French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian PM Giorgia Meloni

And his beyond-disastrous debate performance, during which he stumbled, stared and made a hash of the most basic talking points, prompting rival Donald Trump to crack with massive justification, “I really don’t know what he said . . . and I don’t think he knows either.” 

A performance that wasn’t a one-off terrible night: George Clooney belatedly admits Biden was just as gonzo at that Hollywood fundraiser the week before.

Don’t forget Biden’s humiliating announcement that he needs an 8 p.m. bedtime in order to have a hope of functioning or the fact that he’s a non-zombie only from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the day. 

Also: the locked-up audio of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur, who declined to prosecute Biden’s documented crimes on grounds of senility. 

On and on and on the list goes. 

A New York Parkinson’s expert, Dr. Tom Pitts, said this week: “I could have diagnosed him from across the mall.”

So can everybody else — and they have, to judge by Biden’s plummeting poll numbers. 

Even the media, once the staunchest defenders of his mental fitness, have turned on him in the face of evidence so overwhelming it can’t be ignored. 

As is the case with most Team Biden duck-and-dodge efforts — be they around Hunter’s influence-peddling schemes or anything else — there’s a quick, easy way to clear everything up. 

And as always, Biden’s refusing to take it

Only this time, the stakes are sky-high and the sanctity of the electoral process is in question.

For the good of the country, Biden must submit to a test now and share the results at once(though everyone knows already what they will show). 

Anything less borders on actual treason. 

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