Doug Ford calls it ‘foolish’ to bother to repair Ontario Science Centre building

Ford says when people see the details they will fall off their chairs, calling the building ‘a total mess’

Ontario Premier Doug Ford says trying to repair the Ontario Science Centre building would be “foolish.”

The government has said that the science centre had to abruptly close last month because of structural issues with the roof, but there has been widespread criticism of the decision shut it down rather than address those problems while keeping parts of it open.

Ford says today that the original engineering report has now been peer reviewed and officials will hold a press conference Thursday to discuss the various other issues with the building aside from the roof.

Ford says when people see the details they will fall off their chairs, calling the building “a total mess.”

A government-commissioned business case that examined moving the science centre from its east Toronto location to the waterfront Ontario Place attraction found that the current building is facing $369 million in deferred and critical maintenance needs over the next 20 years.

The auditor general has said that a lack of funding from successive governments is a key cause of that.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published July 10, 2024.

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