Calgary Herald letters for July 5: WestJet needs to work on labour relations

WestJet’s recent cancellation of flights due to a mechanics’ strike comes as no real surprise. This company had previously maintained non-union status, a reflection of how employees were respected and treated as true partners in a challenging industry.

Since its sale to Onex in 2019, it appears that labour relations have significantly deteriorated — exemplified by the recent union certifications of its pilots, flight attendants and mechanical workforce. In addition, their approach to contract negotiations seems highly adversarial versus the collaborative approach we recall from earlier days.

There is an old saying that “Management gets the union they deserve.” In this case, WestJet senior management needs to seriously rethink and change its approach to labour relations — it’s a strategic and economic necessity.

Robert Dixon, Calgary

Stampede music lacks diversity

Looking at the list of bands performing at the Wildhorse Saloon and the NTNL Saloon, I don’t see one female performer or band.

Great mix of entertainment during Stampede.

Brian Murphy, Calgary

Alberta support for Trudeau

Before you decide to dance on Justin Trudeau’s grave, be sure it isn’t just a hole filled with Athabasca tar sand. You may despise him because he has grown up vacationing in Ocho Rios, but it isn’t as if Premier Danielle Smith has a cottage on the banks of her favourite Syncrude tailings pond.

Trudeau has proven he can keep his head when those around him have been losing theirs. (My apologies to Rudyard Kipling.)

He has handled all the abuse and vitriol levelled against him with poise and grace — and has refrained from responding in kind.

Whether he stays on as prime minister or leaves, is a choice for him to make. But I prefer that he chooses to stay.

Florence Rachansky, Calgary

Proud to be from Calgary

This city of more than a million and a half people has pulled together to overcome the challenge of reduced access to basic water. It has taken a commitment from every individual in the city. Yes, water consumption went up in the past week but perhaps that does not have as much to do with people ignoring the restrictions as the necessity of protecting our health from the “If it’s yellow, let it mellow” in the bathroom.

I watch with pride as my neighbours install water barrels, redirect the eaves and hand water their gardens. The discussion in the coffee shops was not about how we are suffering but innovative ways of conserving water. I am delighted with the comments such as, “I never thought of watering the plants with the dishwater. I think I will keep doing it after the restrictions are lifted.”

Well done, Calgary. I am proud.

Janet Layton, Calgary

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