‘Living god’ from Coventry ‘used disciple’s daughters for sex’, court hears

undated collect of Rajinder Kalia, 65, being crowned, who allegedly brainwashed followers into believing he was ?God on Earth? at the Baba Balak Nath temple in Coventry. taken from https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/cult-leader-accused-raping-devotees-23976501
Rajinder Kalia, who is head priest at a temple in Coventry, has been accused of grooming members of his temple to believe he is ‘God’s incarnation’

A religious leader who claimed to be a ‘living god’ used one of his disciple’s daughters for sex and treated them as slaves, a court heard.

Rajinder Kalia, who is head priest at a temple in Coventry, has been accused of grooming members of his temple to believe he is ‘God’s incarnation’ while abusing young girls.

Four women have claimed they were sexually abused by him, with three more alleging they were financially exploited.

The 68-year-old, who is head priest at a temple in Coventry, is disputing the claims against him saying they are part of a financially motivated conspiracy.

He is head of the Sidh Baba Balak Nath Ji Society of Coventry, a religious organisation which professes the founding principles of the Hindu religion.

One alleged victim told the court: ‘I came to explain to the judge what [Kalia] has done.

‘He made us slaves. We were slaves to him. We were nothing. He used my daughters for sex. He assaulted them without asking them.

Rajinder Kalia, A woman accusing a religious leader of exploiting and sexually abusing her told the High Court he has done it to ???hundreds??? of his followers over the last 40 years. Rajinder Kalia, 68, is accused of grooming members of his temple while subjecting women and underage girls to sexual abuse. Mr Kalia, head priest at a Hindu-based temple in Coventry, is disputing the claims against him saying they are part of a financially motivated conspiracy. He is head of the Sidh Baba Balak Nath Ji Society of Coventry, a religious organisation which professes the founding principles of the Hindu religion. Central News
One of Kalia’s alleged victims claimed he treated them like slaves (Picture: Central News/Web collect)

‘I trusted him. I didn’t think he would do such a thing.’

She also claims the Hindu priest also took advantage of her financially as she paid him a total of £338,000 in donations and for him to visit to India.

She said: ‘He was our guru. We have to go through him to connect with God.’

One alleged victim claims to have been sexually abused more than 1,320 times over two decades, and another said she suffered abuse as a child which made her fail her school exams.

A third said her virginity was taken in a rape in a Birmingham hotel and the fourth claims to have been hugged and kissed inappropriately when she was as young as four, before having her virginity taken as a young adult.

Mr Kalia also allegedly told them ‘not to rely on family’ and ordered temple-goers not to communicate with each other.

One alleged victim said the Hindu priest also took advantage of her financially as she paid him a total of £338,000 in donations and for him to visit to India.

‘He was our guru. We have to go through him to connect with God.’

Ms Crowther told her: ‘He said donate what you can afford. Not go into debt… He didn’t have to say it’.

The hearing continues.


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