Letters: Sask. should embrace oil industry helping to expand education

Readers offer their opinions on high school courses offered by the oil industry in Saskatchewan and the renaming of a Saskatoon street.

We’d ask both these fine writers to be open to the idea that Saskatchewan should be opening doors and offering opportunities to students at all levels, rather than allowing dogma or “the way it was done for 60 years” kind of thinking to take away chances for learning and development.

Do you like your Korean, Japanese or German car or other product? Chances are good that it’s the product of their mix of systems of education and private industry partnerships.

Countries like Japan, South Korea and Germany focus on offering their students (high school, vocational and university) as many opportunities for highly skilled training, apprenticeships, corporate partnerships and training as they can — because they know they had to!

How about we as a province focus on student-centred education and put the politics of an election year aside? Mr. Tank correctly notes the dismal reading and math scores in his article and we as a province should be most focused on these incredibly concerning results.

If basic literacy and math skills aren’t there, it doesn’t matter what courses are offered!

Mike Sluchinski and Cathy Cha, Saskatoon

Educate instead of changing street names

Then new municipal buildings, streets, etc. should be named honouring people from past cultures that should be recognized. Going back in history, there all kinds of groups that were mistreated by different governments.

Besides, I would bet the citizen wasn’t exactly respectful. If people have problems with stuff city council does, they should speak up before those decisions are made or find out the process to reverse the decision.

Gary Crawford, Saskatoon

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