Democrats’ best hope now, anti-semites excommunicated me and other commentary

From the right: Democrats’ Best Hope Now

“Suddenly, the columnists and editorial pages that denied the truth” about President Biden’s mental decline “are sounding like these columns,” snarks The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board. “Democrats are now left with a likely nominee who is in obvious mental decline, and a Vice President in Kamala Harris who is even less popular” than Biden. Their best course? A “Biden withdrawal and an open August convention” would be “in the best interests of the country” and the party. Biden’s frailties “are an invitation to adversaries to exploit in a second term”; “an open convention carries risks, but it’s the best way Democrats and their media allies can clean up the mess they’ve made.”

From the left: Antisemites Excommunicated Me

“Since Oct. 7,” observes Philip Berger at Tablet, “I have been cut off by over a half-dozen younger progressive colleagues” — “all because I am a Zionist.” “For a half-century I let my name stand with and energy flow” to the marginalized. “Nor have I been quiet over the decades about my support for Palestinian self-determination.” Still, “I am definitely not the right kind of Jew for my colleagues,” who are “provided moral cover by the right kind of Jews: those who denounce and vilify Israel.” “I know antisemitism when I see and hear it” — and “my colleagues’ spurning of me constitutes classic antisemitism.” But “I am not running away. I am going to stay and fight. I will loudly proclaim my Jewishness and my Zionism.”

Media watch: Beltway Press Exposed

“It’s impossible to deny that Democrats and their media allies have betrayed and endangered America by spending the last few years lying to us about Biden’s age-related mental competency,” groans The Federalist’s Mark Hemingway. Had “Democrat leaders and the media” just “been honest about how obvious Biden’s condition was a year ago, they might have a candidate who is winning the election.” Even now, they’re not “actually upset to have just discovered the man in charge of our nuclear weapons is senile — they’re upset they can’t continue to hide this fact from you any longer.”

Libertarian: KBJ’s Unbiased Jan. 6 Opinion

In the Supreme Court ruling that “narrowed the interpretation of a federal criminal law under which many January 6 rioters have been charged,” reports Reason’s Billy Binion, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson “wrote a concurring opinion urging the government to keep criminal laws constrained to their actual text.” As “the only former public defender on the current Court,” she “understands first-hand the downsides of government getting creative with criminal statutes, as prosecutors sometimes do.” But her opinion “probably is surprising to many onlookers” as “Joseph Fischer is a criminal defendant in one of the most politically-loaded cases of this century.” It’s “a reminder that the application of criminal law should not be infected by personal animus toward any given defendant.”

Conservative: Will the Lies Continue?

“President Biden demonstrated to the nation that he is a sad, failing octogenarian, who could not perform any job in America other than apparently the easy task of President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief in charge of our nuclear codes,” asserts Victor Davis Hanson at American Greatness. In 2020, he masked himself as “the uniter, ‘good ol’ Joe from Scranton,’ serving as the pseudo-moderate veneer for the most far left agenda in recent history.” In a “leftist Faustian bargain,” Biden and his wife “enjoyed the privileges of power and status, while they farmed out the presidency to an array of former Obama subordinates and the hard left of what is left of the old Democratic Party.” But “the ‘dynamic Biden’ farce was finally laid to rest” by Thursday’s debate. The question now is: “Will the lies continue?” It seems “they will thrive” until voters “ostracize and utterly discredit those like Mayorkas, Fauci, and the Bidens whose deceptions took hostage an entire nation.”

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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