Rudy Giuliani’s homelessness wisdom, NYC crime woes and more: Letters to the Editor — June 30, 2024

Rudy’s wisdom

When confronted with the recent stabbings in the East Village, a law-enforcement officer said the police can’t arrest the homeless for being homeless (“East Village’s bloody block,” June 25).

Rudy Giuliani, the mayor who saved New York in the 1990s and who is persecuted by progressives today, wrote in a Sept. 6, 2015 oped in The Post (“To Show City Cares, Clean Up the Streets”): “A city with homeless on its streets is a city that has no love of its people. The so-called ‘progressive’ view, that people have a right to live on the sidewalk, is not only legally devoid of any merit but is inhumane, indecent and dangerous . . . When I was mayor, we did all we could to remove the homeless from the streets, not only for safety and sanitary reasons, but out of love and compassion for each of the homeless as persons.”

Our progressive politicians should learn from the greatest mayor New York ever had instead of engaging in lawfare against him.

Gamaliel Isaac, Manhattan

Crime woes

A cafe owner yelled at two lowlife vandals who sprayed graffiti on his outdoor dining area, but whose fault is that (“NYC cafe owner mocked by two laughing vandals defacing his $16K dining shed,” June 25)?

It’s the fault of New York voters. They allowed this, as they put in Gov. Hochul, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Mayor Adams, Manhattan District Attorney Bragg, the City Council and every other leftist politician.

We are supposed to feel sorry for these people? This is what they wanted. New York has become a hellhole because they allowed it and voted for it. You can’t even get on a subway anymore. Jews cannot travel safely through New York City for fear of being attacked.

You reap what you sow.

Palmer Woodrow, Las Vegas, Nev.

EU’s bogus fines

The European Union means to fine Microsoft an amount equal to 10% of its yearly revenue? This is getting out of hand (“Taking on Big Tech,” June 26).

The EU makes these BS laws just so it can fine American tech companies, which helps EU countries pad their budgets. Microsoft is just the latest to be fined.

The EU is a joke, and most of the world knows it. The latest EU parliamentary elections show even European citizens are getting fed up with the union’s nonsense.

James Schwartz, Summit NJ

A Badge of Honor

I was happy to read that his grandson is going to get Lt. Henry Schmieman’s badge number (“Badge of honor for cop’s kin,” June 23).

And given that Lt. Schmieman’s assassin, John Smith, is coming up for parole in August, I hope that all the union leaders in this city will come out against granting him parole.

I’m sure the leaders of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association will, but I hope the leaders of District Council 37 do as well. After all, they came out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet no DC37 leaders have come out in support of the Blue Lives Matter movement or have spoken out against the release of so many assassins of police officers.

John Fox, Sunnyside

Stop Iran, now

I see where this is all going (“All out war!,” Michael Oren, PostOpinion, June 22).

It has been obvious for years that Iran is the enemy octopus using its poisonous tentacles of Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis to do its dirty work. It is time that we do whatever it takes to emasculate Iran now.

Richard Smith, Glen Cove

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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