Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman on Israel, antisemitism and Donald Trump

‘Something which was defended as anti-Zionism and as a particular criticism of a particular policy in Israel very, very, quickly morphed into just straight-out contempt for the Jewish people’

The best way to fight antisemitism is for Jews to be proud of who they are, says David Friedman, a former American ambassador to Israel.

Friedman’s speech comes at a time when the conflict between Israel and Hamas is nearing its ninth month, tensions are escalating along the northern border with Hezbollah, antisemitic incidents are on the rise in Canada, and Americans are preparing to head to the polls in November to choose between Trump and President Joe Biden.

The location for the event will be released on the day of the event for security reasons. It will also feature Shulem Lemmer, a renowned Chasidic musician.

This interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

What can the audience expect to hear from you next week?

The main reason I’m coming is because I was invited by the Chabad community in Toronto and I have always been a big believer, a big supporter, in the work of Chabad. Anytime I could help them, anytime I can come and give them a little support and bring some joy and some togetherness to the Jewish people, you know, at a time like this, I’m happy to do it.

I’m not sure how much you follow antisemitism in Canada or the Trudeau government’s positions on Israel, but how do you feel they are handling the situation?

You know, it’s been a full-time job following my own country, so I haven’t followed it carefully. But I have seen a little bit, and what I’ve seen has been very disturbing. I’ve certainly seen actions, I’ve seen protests, that have been very ugly. I’ve seen the failure of law enforcement to do their job.

It’s not limited to Canada. It’s something we see in America. We see it throughout the world. There’s just been a failure on the part of law enforcement around the world to really protect Jews. And it’s very disturbing and, again, it’s not unique to any one particular place. It’s something we’re seeing everywhere right now.

Do you feel in the United States, the antisemitism that we’re seeing on the streets would be happening if Donald Trump was president right now? Do you think that it’s something that has to do with leadership and messaging?

I think there’s no question there’s been a failure of leadership. It has been from the top down. I mean, I think there’s been way to much political involvement in what really is not a political issue. The antisemitism that I’m seeing across the globe is simply a case of violent crime and harassment.

That’s what it is.

It doesn’t really matter the messaging. What matters is that people, in this particular case, Jewish people, are made to feel insecure. Many of them are being attacked violently. All of them are being harassed in ways that shouldn’t be permitted. And the reason, at least in America — I don’t want to speak for Canada — in America, I think there has been reluctance on the part of the (Biden) administration in Washington. And in many, unfortunately, Democratic-run states, there’s been a refusal to really crack down because it’s perceived as something which would be politically disadvantageous. I’ve heard some of these Democrats with voters, and so we’re not getting the kind of robust response to antisemitism that we would expect.

Now, there are places that are different. I mean, Florida has been excellent. There have been other places because the political calculus didn’t affect what the leaders did. It’s a difficult time. I mean, it’s a very difficult time. It’s a confluence of antisemitism, anti-Zionism, woke politics and progressive politics in an election year, all coming together to make Jews very uncomfortable across the globe. We have to change that.

Are you surprised by the level of antisemitism and the public displays of it that you’ve seen? What has it been like personally for you and also just your relationship with Judaism since October 7?

Well, I’m surprised. I’ve never seen it this bad. And, you know, what people refer to as anti-Zionism — I always felt from the beginning that anti-Zionism was just a repackaged form of antisemitism — but what began as something which was defended as anti-Zionism and as a particular criticism of a particular policy in Israel very, very, quickly morphed into just straight-out contempt for the Jewish people. Nobody tries to hide it anymore. You know, no one’s trying to justify this anymore as being a political movement. They’re just coming out and saying, you know, Jewish people deserve contempt.

I am surprised at how quickly, as they say, the quiet part was said out loud. It’s very disturbing. But, you know, I was having a conversation with somebody about this recently. My reaction is: it’s important to fight antisemitism.

But it’s even more important for the Jewish people to be comfortable and proud of what they are. It’s not just about fighting the people that wish us evil. It’s also about being proud of who we are, you know. And I think that the best way to combat antisemitism, apart from good law enforcement, is restoring pride in being Jewish.

Just to kind of go back to the original question, it’s one of the things that I admire the most about Chabad. I mean, it’s not just an organization focusing on protecting Jews physically. It’s also about protecting them spiritually and bringing them back to a point where we can have pride in a really glorious almost 4,000-year-old history.

So the best way for us to defeat antisemites is to be prouder Jews; I think that’s really the way it works. Antisemites come and go. They’ve been around every generation, as we say, obviously, on the Passover Haggadah. They’re always there. But I think the reason that we’re still here and they come and go is because we have pride in our heritage, because we have pride of our Torah, the great books that made us into a great nation. And as long as we have that, I worry less about the long-term effects of antisemitism. And that’s why Chabad is such an important organization.

In Trump gets elected in November, is there any potential we could see you back in the White House?

So that’s obviously up to President Trump, whether he brings me back. We have a very good, very close relationship. I’d be willing to serve my country in any way that the president wishes me to be helpful.

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