Letters: Sask. high school course on oil and gas industry is propaganda

Readers sound off on the new high school oil and gas class, international politics and the 2024 Pride Parade and Rock Your Roots.

As a retired educator, I am particularly shocked that a government ministry, responsible for educating young people, would even consider allowing the fossil fuel industry to develop this curriculum ”oil and gas theory” courses for high school students.

Even worse, Teine Energy, the company partnering on the program, is majority-owned by the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). That’s our national pension program.

In this time of fossil-fuelled extreme weather events and forest fires, surely both CPP contributors and pensioners across Saskatchewan and the rest of the country, would be appalled to hear that CPPIB is using our funds to prop up the oil and gas industry and indoctrinate our kids with fossil fuel propaganda.

Karen Weisberg, Toronto
Weisberg is a member, Seniors For Climate Action Now! (SCAN!)

2024 Pride Parade and Rock Your Roots were beautiful

It was a happy crowd, smiling, waving, applauding, calling “Happy Pride!” Every gender, colour, ethnicity, age and creed were there, a mixed group, as Canada has become. Some colourfully costumed and made up, families with children, people in wheelchairs.

And the day before was the Rock Your Roots Walk for Reconciliation. Groups who were outcast only a few years ago are now bringing us together in celebration and joy. How far we have come towards acceptance and inclusion.

Our world has become a troubled place, from the cost of living to epidemics to international conflicts. Let’s not allow our challenges to threaten the progress we’ve made. Differences among us are no reason for fear or hatred, they enrich our society.

In the spirit of Pride and Reconciliation, let’s work together and flourish.

David Edney, Saskatoon

Russia-North Korea pact alarming

North Korea is accused by the U.S. of sending 6,700 containers carrying five million artillery shells and military equipment to Russia, that ultimately will be used against Ukraine.

Both of course deny any violation of UN sanctions, but past actions speak louder than words.

Sadly, the UN multi-billion-dollar budget is now wasted money.

It was an institution once revered, but now, due to constant UN Security Council stalemates on multiple issues, Kim Jong Un can violate UN sanctions like his ICBM missile testing and the above accusation without suffering any consequences for his actions.

Peter J Middlemore Sr., Windsor

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