Bell: Bombs away! Smith’s UCP launches full-scale attack on Nenshi

There are ads going out attacking Nenshi. When? Now

He can run but he can’t hide.

When UCP big shots said they couldn’t wait to get their hands on Naheed Nenshi once he became Alberta NDP leader they were talking straight.

Premier Danielle Smith’s UCP are now ready to drop the gloves.

When? Now.

There are ads going out attacking Nenshi. When? Now.

We talk to Dustin van Vugt, the big guy at the UCP HQ.

“We want to introduce Albertans to Nenshi. We want to make sure everybody knows who he is, his true record.

“We’re going to hit people every single way we can.”

The ads are going on Facebook and YouTube and they’re texting ads to everybody they can find.

This is a political full-court press.

They have five ads. They’re making a bunch more. Ads will also go out on TV and be mailed out.

“People will see them on their phone, on social media, on their TV, in their mailbox.”

Don’t forget talk radio. And this is just the beginning.

The UCP figure on cost of living and Alberta’s relationship with Ottawa Nenshi is on the wrong side.

They also know Nenshi is a challenge.

“We don’t underestimate him.”

One ad says Nenshi is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s choice for Alberta. The UCP know Trudeau is despised and the federal Conservatives are not.

There’s Nenshi hugging Trudeau.

Justin Trudeau with Naheed Nenshi
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau greets former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi at the Ismaili Muslim Community 26th annual Stampede Breakfast in Calgary on Friday, July 7, 2023.Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia

The voice in the ad says Nenshi helped Trudeau defeat former prime minister Stephen Harper in 2015.

The voice continues.

“When asked about Nenshi running for the NDP Trudeau called Nenshi a strong mayor and said we should welcome his candidacy.”

That’s the kiss of death.

Then the ad says Trudeau even tried to get Nenshi to run for his federal Liberal party.

“We’ve had enough of Trudeau in Ottawa. We don’t need one in Alberta. Naheed Nenshi, Trudeau’s choice for Alberta.”

A second ad says Nenshi supports Trudeau’s devastating production cap in the oilpatch. It adds he still thinks Alberta needs a consumer carbon tax.

In this ad, there’s Nenshi campaigning for Calgary Liberal MP George Chahal.

On the video, Nenshi is heard to say Calgary is not well-served by the way Calgarians vote.

The vote is often Conservative.

“Luckily for us now, the choice is very easy because we do have an extraordinary candidate that’s decided to put on the red T-shirt.”

The Liberal shirt. That’s Chahal.

Former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi, MP George Chahal, and Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne pose for a photo during Chahal’s annual faith and community breakfast at Wingfield Golf Club in Calgary on Saturday, March 9, 2024.
Former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi, MP George Chahal, and Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry François-Philippe Champagne pose for a photo during Chahal’s annual faith and community breakfast at Wingfield Golf Club in Calgary on Saturday, March 9, 2024.Brent Calver/Postmedia

The ads go from Nenshi, Trudeau’s choice for Alberta to Nenshi, the tax-and-spend Liberal.

“He created a big tax hike and another tax hike and another tax hike and another tax hike.”

The ad says city property taxes went up by 81 per cent when Nenshi was mayor.

There is also mention of wasteful projects.

Bike lanes. The Giant Blue Ring. Bowfort Towers, the piece of junk you see at the entrance to the city as you come back to Calgary from the mountains.

“Nenshi created change alright. Change we can’t afford,” says the ad.

A fourth ad is a woman remembering when Nenshi was Calgary’s mayor.

Again the Giant Blue Ring. Again the bike lanes. Again the almost doubling of property taxes.

Again Nenshi as the tax-and-spend Liberal.

Finally, the man with the pickup truck.

He talks about Nenshi calling him a caveman because he drives a pickup.

This is from a line of Nenshi.

“What I am interested in is helping everyone in Canada understand that we here in Alberta, that we are not a bunch of, you know, F-350 driving cavemen.”

Some people were upset.

The man with the pickup says he voted for Nenshi the first time he ran for mayor of Calgary.

He says it was “not my proudest moment” and points to city taxes on small business.

“There’s no way I’d vote for him. Ever. We can’t afford him.”

Dustin van Vugt from UCP says the party has the money to go after Nenshi. The party started the year with a million in the bank.

We catch up with Jason Nixon, a member of Smith’s inner circle, as he is driving to Rocky Mountain House.

Jason Nixon
Jason Nixon, Minister of Seniors, Community and Social Services.David Bloom/Postmedia

Nixon says Albertans need to know the real Nenshi.

“People need to be reminded. Nenshi’s got a record. He needs to answer for it. That’s part of being in politics.”

You know Nixon won’t stop there.

“Nenshi is a narcissist. Calgary was worse off having him as mayor and we’ve got to make sure our province doesn’t end up in that spot,” says Nixon, who then compares Nenshi to former premier and NDP leader Rachel Notley.

“The consequences to the whole province of getting somebody like Premier Nenshi would make Rachel Notley’s damage look like small potatoes.”

Yes, starting now, it’s game on.

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