Prepping for Trump vs. Biden debate: Letters to the Editor — June 27, 2024

The Issue: The lead-up to the first debate between President Biden and Donald Trump on CNN.

One can only hope that former President Donald Trump will take all the advice given by Republican pundits, supporters and The Post: Don’t make it about YOU. Stay on message (“Prez is betting it all on debate,” Michael Goodwin, June 26)!

Trump will have to reach deep down to show discipline and control his emotions during the 90-minute CNN/Biden love-fest.

Opinions are already formed by most, but a few minds will be changed with this debate. Our country deserves a winner.

Alice Daly


I find it incredibly difficult to believe that anyone would vote for a man who needs 16 staff members, a staged environment and days of preparation before a debate.

President Biden has been in Washington for more than 40 years and president for almost four years. He should be proud to run on his achievements.

Unfortunately, he can’t. Our country is being destroyed by his policies and those of the Democratic Party.

Pat Love, Hicksville

If you think the impossible — that CNN and its talking heads are not giving Biden’s team the debate questions ahead of time — I have a bridge to sell you. Hillary Clinton received questions before her debate. We know how the Democratic Party cheats.

I never in my life would have thought the party I grew up in would take down this country, but it’s happening right before my eyes.

Don’t be fooled. And remember that elections have consequences. So if you want America to continue to exist, show these clowns the door.

Philip Vallone, Ossining

So Biden needs to retreat for a week to practice answering a few questions that he most likely already has. He also needs 16 people to help him.

What’s going to happen when he has to make an immediate decision on a national crisis? Is he going to run to Camp David with his 16 tutors to try and come up with an answer? Scary.

Al Zoccolillo

White Plains

In Thursday’s debate, Trump should lay out his commitment to restore law and order.

All protests must be peaceful, regulated and approved by local authorities.

Paul Schoenbaum

Richmond, Va.

The Issue: UFT President Michael Mulgrew backs away from his Medicare Advantage commitments.

Finally, United Federation of Teachers boss Michael Mulgrew recognizes what Mayor Adams categorically declared years ago: Medicare Advantage is a bait-and-switch. (“You find the money, Mike,” June 25).

New York City has been repeatedly shot down in court while trying to defend the indefensible Medicare Advantage package, which denies New York retirees the original Medicare that they were promised for well over 60 years.

UFT members have democratically elected new leadership that recognizes a bait-and-switch when they see it.

And I think The Post’s editorial board should better respect this example of democracy in action.

Richard Sherman

Margate, Fla.

Does Mulgrew really think that the retired members of the UFT, after voting out his long-time cronies, believe one word of his letter to the retired membership?

He says he no longer is in favor of a Medicare Advantage Plan and expresses concern that retirees have been through enough. His opinion doesn’t matter. We, the retirees, shut him down.

Mulgrew’s concern for retirees’ welfare is a joke. His concerns are only for himself — and his fellow con artists.

Alice Tobias

Boca Raton, Fla.

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